Most small business owners fear US economy will worsen over next year – IOTW Report

Most small business owners fear US economy will worsen over next year

Even large corporations are feeling the impact of supply-chain woes, rising prices and worker shortages.

15 Comments on Most small business owners fear US economy will worsen over next year

  1. TheMule
    MAY 24, 2022 AT 11:56 AM

    “The end game is game is mass murder. Never forget that.”

    …”going” to be? What with engineered viruses, lethal FakeVaxxes, and starvation on the horizon to name just a few, I’d say they’ve already started…

  2. Hierarchy of Globalist’s goals: (reorder as desired)

    1. Don’t let crime families get prosecuted (Clinton’s, Biden’s, Obama’s, Bush’s…)

    2. Protect complicit, criminal government agencies (DOJ, FBI…)

    3. Drastically reduce the senior population (Medicare and Federal bankruptcy).

    4. Eliminate effectiveness of U.S. Military (China, Iran).

    5. Flood the U.S. with future Democrat voters (border).

    6. Neutralize patriotic resistance (censorship, gun laws).

    7. Permanently control election outcomes (Dominion, fraud).

    8. Reduce human population by at least 50% to ‘save the planet’ (pandemics, vaccines, government-controlled medicine, climate initiatives…)

    9. Permanently alter the psychology of young people to accept total control (Critical Race Theory, wokeism, pandemics, vaccines, lockdowns, masks, censorship, public school and university policies…)

    10. At all costs, retain control of the media/government ‘narrative.’ (Internet censorship, Ministry of Truth, etc.)

  3. The problem? Well, you’ve been told every excuse under the sun and probably blame the Biden admin directly. But you should be told the truth. Our economic problems are thanks to central banks and the federal reserve.

    The previous bubbles we’ve seen: dotcom bubble pushed onto housing and banks. The housing/banks bubble pushed onto sovereign debt thanks to our central bank and federal reserve friends. Profits privatized and debts nationalized.

    There’s only 1 way out of a 130% debt to GDP: Inflation. Well, okay, there’s also bankruptcy and paying it down. USA won’t/can’t choose anything other than inflation. The perceived value of your currency will half in the next 4 to 5 years. A dollar is already worth only 3 cents on the dollar, soon to be 1.5 cents. The middle class is done, kaput.

    Enjoy! Nothing to do but laugh at the freakshow that is our economy.

  4. In all actuality they anticipated crashing the economy long before now. What’s propping it up. Believe it or not manufacturing. Why? Because of those sanctions Trump levied against China. But the coup is trying to cancel them as fast as the can. Not sure it will do any good since China’s still in deep shit with the RONA.
    Look for upcoming material shortages.

  5. “Most small business owners fear US economy will worsen over next year”

    Any small business owner who doesn’t know that is a complete fukkin moron.
    Or a drug dealer (they don’t seem to be having supply-chain issues).

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  6. @General Malaise May 24, 2022 at 12:22 pm

    > Don’t let crime families get prosecuted (Clinton’s, Biden’s, Obama’s, Bush’s…)

    Anyone with an IQ above 70, knows that is an oxymoron.

    Nobody cares about the rest.

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