Mostly Safe Seine – IOTW Report

Mostly Safe Seine

Olympic Swimmers Puke Their Brains Out after Swimming in Polluted River.

26 Comments on Mostly Safe Seine

  1. They should rename all the idiots who willingly swam in the Seine Ralph. Nobody in their right mind swims in a river that resembles more of a cesspool than an unpolluted river. One of these days they need to hold the Olympics in Olongapo City on Shit River in the Philippines with the 100-yard turd dash dashing sprint followed by massive injections of every known antibiotic known to man just because.

  2. Olympic Athletes Choices,
    #1 swim in the inseinely polluted Seine, change your DNA forever
    #2 enter the women’s boxing tournament and have your face rearranged by a biological male boxer
    #3 attend the blasphemous Last Supper seated with faggots, perverts and the mentally ill.
    #4 be given an Israeli Flag and t-shirt, be seated with/and surrounded by venomous, genocidal palestinian/hamas/taliban murderers who received their Olympic tickets and transportation from USAID and the UN, all in the effort for equity and inclusivity.

    Olympic Athletes, choose wisely.

  3. Even shittier than swimming in the Seine is Kirsty Burrows, head of the “Safe Sports Unit at the IOC declares these male boxers (with XY Chromosomes) to be women because that is how they’ve lived all their lives (how does she know?) and that they’ve met all the requirements. She also stated that they have the most comprehensive mental and physical safety protections ever in the history of the Olympics.
    So, in plain words, it’s OK for men to beat a woman in public for entertainment.
    Hand me the phone, I’m calling Bullshit!

  4. Like Salty sais, the French are pushing the climate hoax and they allow this.
    Ha, the French from No. Africa.
    We’ve had beaches closed because of bacteria in coastal waters but, ey, it has nothing to do with the African “New Mainers” who’ve discovered the beaches

  5. Has anyone noticed that everything leftists get involved in turns to SHIT? Destruction is the defining characteristic of the left. How have these bizarre and perverse people attained power? Reality, reason and common sense have all but disappeared.

  6. Any DECENT athelete would have vomited like that after seeing the “opening ceremonies”, and left immediately.

    So if they agreed to abide after THAT, they deserve it.

  7. Think about it, folks. It’s not safe to drink the tap water in Paris, so everyone drinks bottled water. You’d have to be stark raving mad to swim in the urban sewer known as the Seine.

  8. Bound to Happen Dept:

    Belgium has pulled out of Monday’s in-doubt triathlon – with a member of their team hospitalised for four days after swimming in the Seine.

    According to reports in the country Claire Michel has been infected with E.coli bacteria, which can cause a host of nasty stomach and intestinal issues.

  9. Well, E Coli is a broad group of bacteria. Some are even helpful (a genetically modified version is/was used to produce insulin). But, yeah, that is what they are “famous” for: food safety recalls. Probably easier for a healthy person to deal with (antibiotics might carry them through it) than was is probably a whole alphabet of Hepatitis, and things some of you may knoq to be worse.


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