Mother Nature 1, climate fear industry 0 – IOTW Report

Mother Nature 1, climate fear industry 0

American Thinker:

In 2012, California fell into the grip of a severe drought that lasted four years.  After being told that the drought in America’s largest state was nail-in-the-coffin proof that the ever-elusive climate collapse ‘tipping point’ had finally arrived, children across the globe awakened to nightmares of environmental apocalypse.

Acting in league with fellow globalists, the media establishment — the press release arm of the climate fear industry — relentlessly trumpeted dire warnings that unless U.S. voters immediately acquiesced to stiff new taxes on carbon energy, California’s lakes and rivers would likely dry up forever.

Yes, the California drought was unusually harsh… for modern times.  But what media is that studies of tree rings, sediment and other natural evidence have documented multiple extreme droughts in California over the last 1,000+ years, including several that lasted more than 20 years.  That’s five times longer than the relatively puny four-year drought of 2012-15.

One that began around the year 850 A.D. droned on for a mind-numbing 240 years, more than a thousand years before the climate fear industry invented itself in the 1980s.

The drought of 850 wasn’t unique. Fifty years before it began, another mega-drought, one that lasted 180 years, was just winding down.

The part of the planet now called California has been hit by countless extreme droughts since time immemorial, 100% of which eventually came to an end.  more here

15 Comments on Mother Nature 1, climate fear industry 0

  1. Whoopee – we had a drought in TX; now we’ve had some severe flooding.
    We’ve been calling it “Weather” for quite some time now.
    Beyond your understanding, grasshoppers.

  2. I have lived my entire life (60+ years) in the same coastal county in central Florida, and I can verify the beach is in the same place it was 60 years ago. After dozens of tropical storms/hurricanes, nothing has “broken off” and fallen into the sea, hotels are still where they have always been. And the weather people, despite numerous technological advancements in forecasting, still get tomorrow’s forecast wrong. When they can achieve 100% accuracy 24-48 hours out, then MAYBE I will listen to their dire warnings about what will happen 10 years from now. But I doubt it.

  3. Al Gore was saying we’ve only got 12 years left, nearly 20 years ago. I guess math is tough for liberals.

    But the key to their shell game is to pick a number, any number, that’s low enough to scare the shit outta someone that can’t count to 10 while picking their nose, but large enough that those same morons forget that they fell for the same hustle the last time.

  4. Medieval Warm Period.
    Show how that worked with internal combustion engines and “man-made” carbon dioxide.
    In a nutshell, can’t be done.
    Absolute proof that AGW is a Hoax.
    If the math is correct, the function will converge regardless of the initial conditions. The computer “models” won’t work with the “Medieval Warm Period,” the “Last Glacial Maximum,” or the “Penultimate Glacial Period.”
    Thus, they are exposed as fraudulent contrivances.

    Yeah, science is boring, unless there be monsters.

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. I hate seeing this. I was hoping the ice caps would melt and raise the sea level. I live a couple of miles from the beach. Instead of me going to the beach, the beach would come to me.

  6. We have too much water up in N. CA, water is soon to be released from Lake Oroville. It has a new spillway which some experts believe is in trouble. $1.8 billion dollar project that was finished November 1. Shasta dam has already started its release. More rain coming into California the next few days, I guess all the naysayers will have to bitch about something else.


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