Mother of Laken Riley Posts Emotional Tribute to Daughter Killed By Illegal Alien – IOTW Report

Mother of Laken Riley Posts Emotional Tribute to Daughter Killed By Illegal Alien


The mother of the murdered 22-year-old Laken Riley posted a heartbreaking tribute to her daughter this weekend, celebrating her life but also admitting that her death was an “avoidable tragedy.”

Riley, who was studying nursing at the University of Georgia, was brutally killed while out running by Jose Antonio Ibarra, a 26-year-old illegal alien from Venezuela who had no right to be in the United States. Despite previously being arrested for child abuse, Ibarra was later released by authorities.

Posting on her Facebook profile, Riley’s mother Allyson Phillips said the love of God was helping her through this “heartbreaking” period: more here

19 Comments on Mother of Laken Riley Posts Emotional Tribute to Daughter Killed By Illegal Alien

  1. This is why there is no hope for America.

    In a normal world, every citizen would be outraged by this senseless murder and they would have the discernment to apply the proper blame; an open border where any criminal, terrorist, or deadbeat can just stroll on in, and a failed justice system that refuses to do it’s job. But in this world, all things are decided by politics, so the Democrats turn a blind eye to actual murder, and all other misery and destruction of the system, because their guy implemented these policies and to care even a little would make them disloyal.

    Breitbart said it and I believe it; there is no living with these people. Our beliefs and goals are diametrically opposed to theirs……… and there will only be one winner.

  2. Rich, agreed there is no hope.
    NONE. Zip-zero-nada. Zippo!

    In 2020,before the election biden* told a young girl he was going to END FOSSIL-FUELS!
    In the debate he told illegals if elected, the border was wide open for business.
    These things alone, not to mention the “blacks not being black” should have doomed his campaign right dead on the spot.
    Even all the fucking cheating wouldn’t have got him remotely close.

    It’s indeed over.
    We had a good run…

  3. Execute the illegal alien bastard that killed Laken Riley pronto and the sooner the better. And do it to any other illegal alien beaner that attempts to murder any American citizen. Or deport them back to their shithole country of origin and let them execute them.

  4. I have kids and grandkids, I’m not ready to see the world burn! However, I’m ready to see a bunch of no good, TRAITOROUS BASTARDS go straight to hell!

  5. ^^^^^^
    And that’s what it’s all about, kids and grand kids. They’ve made a couple really stupid moves. One in particular I thinks going to come back and bite them. Hard.

  6. Having progeny [raising hand] makes it even more imperative to push back.

    I’m sure I’m not alone in this but I often muse over the fate/legacy left by the current bunch of morons running the country. Many articles of late are declaring the high water mark of “wokeness” and a protracted slouching towards some semblance of normalcy, but I’m not seeing it.

    I see a nation without borders, an election process without guardrails or legitimacy, a holy war on whiteness, our leaders spending TRILLIONS we don’t have, allowing criminals to break the law with impunity, inflating the dollar into oblivion, deliberately trying to confuse children about their gender, and hostile to the taxpayers and citizenry in general.

    This is not a world I want my kids to inherit.

  7. Well, like I’ve been saying, I’m convinced there will be no election. They can’t risk it. And that’s the purpose of the new military they’ve shipped in.


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