Mother trying to save children at Uvalde was handcuffed by federal marshals – IOTW Report

Mother trying to save children at Uvalde was handcuffed by federal marshals


After it was revealed on Thursday that not only did police delay their response to sending tactical teams into the Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Tex. amid a school shooting that left 19 children and two teachers dead but prevented parents from entering, the Wall Street Journal reported that one mother sprinted into the school to get her children, over objections from law enforcement.

Angeli Rose Gomez drove 40 miles to the school upon hearing of the shooting, and she arrived, said “The police were doing nothing. They were just standing outside the fence. They weren’t going in there or running anywhere.”

While state officials said that police were at the school mere moments after the teen gunman entered the school, barricading himself in a classroom and opening fire on young students, they also said that officers were unable to gain access to the classroom.

Gomez said that she was only one of several parents at the school demanding that officers stop waiting around and go into the school. It was then that “federal marshals approached her and put her in handcuffs,” the Journal reports. more

50 Comments on Mother trying to save children at Uvalde was handcuffed by federal marshals

  1. The original entire story is bull shit. The first Border Patrol guy got there an hour after the shooting started. Basically local LE kept anyone from trying to stop this clown for an hour. They essentially protected him. One of the weapons he used was a Daniel Defense AR with an Eotech on top of it. A minimum of $1700.00. They are already verbally going after Daniel Defense. But basically everything we were originally told was a lie. Also there’s reports the shooter was arrested and charged with a felony twice. There seems to be evidence that suprts that. So he would not be eligible to purchase a firearm legally. This smells like the current presidential chair in the Oval Orifice.

  2. This is a Halligan tool, sometimes called a “Hooligan” tool. It comes in many sizes and lengths. Pretty standard even 30 years ago both on rescue vehicles and in police car trunks.

    This, especially when combined with an axe or maul, can breach just about any door or window in seconds. And if you do it right, whatever is inside the door is at the wrong angle to come at you when it opens.

    This is a battering ram. This is more a LEO piece althoght can be used by both (ours had a piercing nozzle too), but the same thing applies. The door opens faster than the person inside can react, and you’re in their face right behind it. Also a police staple for decades.

    And if the place had a Maglock, you simply cut the power.

    Keys are only important if you want to minimize property damage. No cop I ever knew would have needed or worried about keys when there’s an obvious life hazard at stake.

    Whatever their reluctance was, it had nothing to do with


  3. One of the most dangerous misconceptions people have re: the police is that they have an obligation to protect anyone, they don’t.

    SCOTUS has ruled, on more than one occasion, that police have no duty to protect the citizens, they have no duty to intervene even when harm is clear and present.

    Even if there was a School Resource Officer at the scene, there is nothing to compel him to act. If desired he could pull a Scot Peterson (of Parkland fame) and go hide in the bushes.

    Personally, I think SCOTUS errored in this regard. There exists within our society an implied contract with the government concerning protection, we affirm their authority over us and pay their salary with our taxes, and they in return “keep us safe”. But when they do not hold up their end and refuse to protect and serve, the courts have given them cover. This is wrong.

  4. Rich, come on man

    “One of the most dangerous misconceptions people have re: the police is that they have an obligation to protect anyone, they don’t.”

    They stopped, fought with, handcuffed, parents to prevent them from trying to save their children. I’d a shot a mother fucker. I’m not kidding. There’s something else going on here.

  5. Feds took control of the incident. I think they had orders to stand down to maximize the death toll for political reasons (election year, gun control, etc). It sounds far fetched, but I wouldn’t put anything past the evil bastards pulling the strings in DC.

  6. Brad

    If you honestly read some kind of apology for the cops behavior into my comment, you need to put down the alcohol for the night.

    My comment had to do with the stark reality that the only person or entity that is truly responsible for your safety is yourself. It had nothing to do with the specifics of the cops stopping parents from entering the school.

  7. Well Rich, just slid home from a long day at work. So haven’t had time to hit the hooch. Do you have children? I would not be concerned for my safety during an event like this. I would be concerned for my childs safety. And there’s not much that’s going to keep me from going in. Unless it’s 12 fat LE’s wrestling me to the ground.
    After Sandy Hook they supposedly stopped the cowardly practice of setting up a perimeter. I guess these over weight peeps didn’t get the memo.

  8. The mother said Federal Marshalls handcuffed her to prevent her from going into the school to get her daughter out. What were Fed. Marshalls doing in Uvalde, a small town of 15,000 80 miles from San Antonio and 54 miles from the border?

    If it was a border control agent the question still stands. Why was he there? Did the Feds have some warning or premonition or prior knowledge that a crazed person was going to shoot up an elementary school? What were the local police and Texas Rangers doing?

    LE waited for an hour to go in because they could not immediately get to the classroom? I say BS.

    The whole thing is starting to stink like a dead fish.

  9. Brad, yes I have kids, and yes, any normal parent is concerned for their safety, all common sense stuff. So what prompted the “Rich, come on man”? This implies you disagree with something I wrote. So what do you disagree with?

  10. I am asking this as a question, not rhetorically, because I really don’t know. Is there even a reason Feds would be there so quickly? Would it take days for the feds to show up?

  11. One ALICE training we had with a cop who was on the local agency’s SWAT team, he was VERY empathetic that they don’t do “Dog Day Afternoon” standoffs any more

    He actually said he would ram his vehicle through the front wall before it devolved to that.

    I have no reason to disbelieve him, especially after some of the incidents in the area that I knew of that he participated in and had slides to prove it.

    No, this isn’t Texas

    But policing is policing, and it seems unlikely that there’d be THAT much of an attitudinal difference unless a VERY heavy hand was on the LEOs at the incident there.

    I here Pedo and Frauder Jill are on their way there.

    And I’m quite sure that it’s not to heal and unite.

  12. I wonder if the shooter had superman like strength and managed to push a whole bunch of furniture to the door and pile it up within a minute or two while the teacher and kids inside just watched him?

    The shooter at the Virginia Tech incident a few years ago knew what to do and took chains with him and chained the inside of the double doors which allowed him to massacre a bunch of students. It took time for the police to get in and kill him.

    To do that you have to have the old-fashioned push down bar doors that most of us remember from going to school in the 50’s and 60’s. You can easily chain them together and lock them so nobody can get in or out. I don’t see too many of them anymore because they are probably obsolete in this time of mass shootings.

    I see chained doors as the only possible excuse for not going in sooner to kill the gunman. And a weak excuse at that.

  13. Gee Rich

    ““One of the most dangerous misconceptions people have re: the police is that they have an obligation to protect anyone, they don’t.”

    It’s says to Protect and Serve right on the trunk. If you’re LE, and are going to stand back and form a perimeter while ten year olds are getting murdered you’re a coward. But don’t suddenly grow enough hair the try and stop a parent from trying to rescue their child. There’s no excuse. If you have an event lie this take place in your AO you now need to be prepared to shoot LE in order to try and save your child. That’s where we differ.

  14. I am not normally a conspiracy theorist, but this whole thing stinks to high heaven. There appears to be undoctored footage of the cops laughing as shots could be heard inside the school. They were also harassing the parents, instead of confronting the lunatic inside the school. It is almost like MK Ultra, but instead of drugs, it’s like these fuckers have been chipped & when it’s time to shield Biden,somewhere a person types the command into a computer. Boom. The democrats have another crisis in order to advance their evil agenda. I could be wrong, but this has seemed to happen alot more since Biden stole the 2020 election.

  15. Brad, I think you just misinterpreted my original comment, you do that a lot.

    “It’s says to Protect and Serve right on the trunk”

    And my original comment obliterated this whole notion, SCOTUS has absolved them of this duty, wrongly, in my opinion, but I said that already.

    “If you’re LE, and are going to stand back and form a perimeter while ten year olds are getting murdered you’re a coward.”

    Absolutely, but I said this first in my “Scot Peterson” reference, or didn’t you read that part?

    “There’s no excuse”

    Of course not, do you think I was offering one?

    In this particular situation, the police and the community would have been better served by not even responding at all, their very presence provided the illusion that they would do something and mitigate the danger. Instead, they prevented concerned parents from acting on their own, which made things exponentially worse.

    An honest/accurate investigation, run by an independent body needs to occur. We pay the cops to provide a service they are not providing.

    Each time this happens

  16. Rich Taylor is a govposter.

    He’s just here to keep an eye on us for the Feds, uphold the official narrative, and try to get us to entrap us into saying something actionable by the fibbies.

    Don’t interact with Rich Tayor.

  17. Rich Taylor
    AND YET IT STILL SAYS TO PROTECT AND SERVE ON THE TRUNK. Jesus Christ! I didn’t bother reading the rest. Also you have a bad habit of not comprehending. You do that a lot.

  18. Marco posted on a previous thread about the ROE on school shootings changing after Columbine….That was 1999…forgotten history….
    Wasn’t it Sandy Hook where the armed guard or cop refused to go in?….

    19-9/10/11 year olds-2 teachers all dead while the cops were parking cars…..FFS….

  19. For at least the last 20 years (longer, I suspect) LE has been trained to wait until the ‘expert team’ du jour comes along w/ overwhelming armor & force. Why?

    Because the policies of the Fed/State/Local pencil-necked bureaucratic agencies, w/ their consultants (consisting of armchair warriors & LEO desk jockeys) insist on it & political ‘captains’, ‘chiefs’, ‘commissioners’ know their well-padded retirements depend on it.

    Simply rule by committee … no one is responsible when everyone is responsible

    an aside: the question begs, why is so much taxpayer $$$ being spent on ‘Special Tactical Gear’, ‘Special Tactical Weapons’, ‘Special Tactical Vehicles’, etc. when all they are going to do is crowd control … they used to be able to do that w/ a nightstick … of course nowadays, if you even used your nightstick you’d be up on charges

    example: everyday, ordinary firefighters, rescue personnel continually go into life-threatening events to rescue people & even pets. why the difference? perception? … unions? …

    therein lies the crux of the problem … somewhere along the line society decided to protect the law-breaker instead of the victim. Punish the law-enforcer instead of the law-breaker. And, if the law-breaker was convicted, give them the lightest sentence possible

    which brings us full circle to the policies of the progressives … we have know, forever!, that an orderly, functioning, contributing, & yes, truly progressive society is a society that respects the man & woman that are peaceable, reasonably civil, neighborly & involved in the community as it serves their interests. We have witnessed a total breakdown of that society, led by those that call themselves, ironically ‘progressive’ …. they are certainly NOT.

    one is not allowed to point out or, heaven forbid!, correct bad behavior. how dare you! Hell, we are not even allowed to question …. ANYTHING! … do so & get called shameful names & you’ll be given the ultimate punishment!!!! BANNED from social media … oh, the SHAME, the HORROR!!!

    today, they’ve succeeded to put enslavement is in our minds … they don’t even need chains anymore.

    if your local constabulary will not protect & defend (& their pensions are much more an incentive to them than your life … I vas only following orders!) … be prepared … there will come a day when it is up to you

    “The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands by it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman.” ~ T. Paine

    … time to jump off the soapbox … the choir looks to be nodding out

  20. The modern government is not here to protect you. The modern communist government is here to fuck you. IRS, ATF, DEA, DoJ, EPA, FBI, ad nauseam, it’s all about toe the line or be trodden under.

  21. Hell, just recall the last 2+ years of cops doing the politician’s dirty work.
    All the body armor, vehicles, shields, and weapons brought out against people who wanted to assert their God-given rights.
    But, when the real crimes were happening, those cops took a knee.

  22. Willy

    After the Parkland massacre, a number of parents filed suit against both the city and the police dept. for failing to act in protecting the students, and specifically, Scot Peterson who was the SRO on site and failed to act, hiding in the bushes the whole time. A federal judge ruled that the city was under no obligation to protect the students at the school unless they were in custody. A horrendous wrong-headed ruling, in my opinion, providing cover for future school shootings where the cops, for any reason at all including cowardice, decide their hides are more valuable than the young kids in the school.

    Brad, I will hold out the possibility that my original comment was clumsily written and subject to mis-interpretion, not my intent, and that the fault was mine.

  23. Don’t you find it odd that every time the democRATS are about to get caught screwing America, they arrange to have some kind of mass casualty disaster like this.

    Back in the old days the CIA was running the program MK Ultra where they could take some week minded idiot and program him/her to commit something like this. Of course the claim they scraped this program, but I think it’s more like when you turn on the lights the cockroaches run into a dark crack so they won’t be seen. They probably continued on with it only more clandestine.

  24. They come from tests, Brad. My COT test was adding and subtracting binary, hexadecimal, gates…

    It didn’t make you a telephone man that you could do any of it. But it was the baseline.

    The Voight-Kampff test.

  25. No one is coming to help, we are on are own.
    The police are only there to make sure you aren’t in the way and do a nice investigation.
    When seconds count police are an half hour away.

  26. @Rich Taylor May 26, 2022 at 10:32 pm

    > An honest/accurate investigation, run by an independent body needs to occur.

    That’s definition of insurrection.

  27. Here is what maybe an interesting interpretation of events. First, as we all know, it can’t be labelled a racist incident.

    No, it doesn’t involve racism – the Globalists, WEFers, dem politicians and media can put the blame squarely on gun owners instead – an even better target for them. Before the smoke cleared they were charging conservatives of murdering little kids. Shooting happened just days before an NRA meeting in Houston. How convenient is it to have a massacre of little kids just before the gun owners convention.

    Demoncraps will make huge political gains over the murders to try to forestall a republican victory at the polls in November.

    I think it possible the feds were in Uvalde to make sure things went smoothly. Let just enough kids die before killing the shooter – enough to stoke fear among the people. The more dead kids the better it is for Biden’s Federal Gov’t and its Global/WEF masters. Back at Uvalde, hang back for an hour so the plan can run its course and enough corpses litter the floor. Get people to demand tougher gun controls and then send out the Feds to grab them. Make gas and food even expensive and scarce and give people gas and food coupons if they turn in their guns. It worked in Australia and it can work here.

  28. I submit …

    On June 27, in the case of Castle Rock v. Gonzales, the Supreme Court found that Jessica Gonzales did not have a constitutional right to individual police protection even in the presence of a restraining order.

    Warren v. District of Columbia, 444 A.2d 1 (D.C. 1981).
    “…a government and its agencies are under no general duty to provide public services, such as police protection, to any particular individual citizen…” -Warren v. District of Columbia, 444 A.2d 1 (D.C. App. 1981)

    Law enforcement agencies and personnel have no duty to protect individuals from the criminal acts of others; instead their duty is to preserve the peace and arrest law breakers for the protection of the general public.”
    Lynch v. N.C. Dept. of Justice, 376 S.E. 2nd 247 (N.C. App. 1989)

    wake up, boys & girls … they’re not here to ‘protect & serve’ … no matter WHAT the propaganda on the side of the vehicle says

    … it means ‘protect’ their pensions & ‘serve’ their masters … it definitely ain’t us ‘great unwashed’

    go ahead … keep believing this bullshit


    ““…a government and its agencies are under no general duty to provide public services, such as police protection, to any particular individual citizen…”

    But that does not give the the right to prevent an individual from protecting themselves and or their children. And that’s what happened.

  30. This evil tragedy just flat out breaks my heart.

    The possibility of it happening in my grandkids’ schools gives me nightmares and was the core driving factor to start volunteering in their schools. With 30 some odd years AD Army, at spear tip, in some really sporty environs, I tend to be dour, gruff, constantly scanning, and pretty much march everywhere I go. Can’t help it. So, was not sure how all those little kiddos would react to me, I can be intimidating, even while not trying. They immediately adopted me, however, as their grandpaw and forever took possession to my heart. Every time I go to their schools, I gut up, for, being irresponsibly forced to be unarmed, I know which direction I will be running! I’ve put my life on the line, time and time again, in service to far, far less worthy causes. Saw the dragon, which bit and burned me. Paid the price, know the continuing cost.

    That the LEOs stood around outside the fence, with their thumbs deeply embedded in their portly collective fourth point of contact, playing pocket pool, and harassing frantic parents, all while gunfire rattled away in the school building, calls their very manhood into serious question. Armed or unarmed, I am dangerous. There is no way in hell they could’ve, or ever will, keep me out when my kids are in danger!

    After the Santa Fe High School shooting, I contacted Abbot about forming a special department within the TX State Guard specifically trained to provide armed school security and serve as a QRF. One detachment in each of the 254 counties, sized proportionate to school densities. He didn’t deign to respond. What they ended up with was the ‘optional’ TX State School Marshall/Guardian program. It is well on track to pretty much be driven down by TCLOSE bureaucracy into toothless irrelevancy.

    We, as citizens, need to immediately organize coordinated county militia and begin serious, thorough training. If done professionally, local Sheriff’s will be supportive and welcome the assistance. Ultimately, the core responsibility for our, and our loved ones, safety rests with us. We should have never allowed ourselves to be seduced into farming it out.


  31. Never try to save your kids from an active shooter situation UN-armed – you may hafta encounter the shooter as well as those aiding & abetting the shooter(those who are paid to stop it but are sitting on their candyasses instead) & you don’t want to do so UN-armed!

  32. These fed monsters aren’t even trying to hide their false flags anymore. Why were the feds on the scene in a remote, rural Texas town even before the shooting occurred? Why did the FBI order the local cops to stand down and let Ramos have the run of the school? Why did a loser like Ramos have a $70,000 truck and over $15,000 worth of arms and ammo? This is clearly bullshit, an intentionally orchestrated slaughter to justify an illegal cancellation of 2A rights.


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