Motion to Vacate: Gaetz Signals Support for Deposing Kevin McCarthy – IOTW Report

Motion to Vacate: Gaetz Signals Support for Deposing Kevin McCarthy

National File:

America First Florida Rep. Matt Gaetz blasted GOP Rep. Kevin McCarthy for his failures to deliver real results as the Speaker of the House and signaled his support for deposing the Speaker, writing in a tweet that “We are going to have to seize the initiative and make some changes.”

In reposting a news interview in which McCarthy attempted to tout his record as speaker by claiming that he’s made the House “more productive, more open, and more transparent than at any time in recent history,” Gaetz blasted McCarthy’s speakership and signaled his support for filing a Motion to Vacate against the California Congressman, which could lead to the unpopular speaker being replaced.

The Motion to Vacate, a Jeffersonian parliamentary procedure that’s existed throughout American history, was erased by ex-Speaker Nancy Pelosi, and McCarthy fought hard to have it excluded from the House Rules of the 118th Congress. The motion played an integral role in opposition to McCarthy’s speakership campaign, and McCarthy was only elected Speaker of the House (with less than 218 votes) after conceding he’d let the Motion to Vacate stand. more

90 Comments on Motion to Vacate: Gaetz Signals Support for Deposing Kevin McCarthy

  1. The truth of the matter is that Kevin McCarthy can’t get enough Republicans to vote to proceed with impeachment hearings. And the media is hiding these fucking morons identity. I’m no fan of Kevin McCarthy, but that’s the truth and Matt Gaetz could do no better right now. Makes yo wonder what Matt Gaetz is up to. This isn’t helping our cause. Maybe Matt Gaetz should confront the RINOS that won’t support the inquiry. We are fucked.

  2. So, Speaker of the House does not have to be a Representative. I’m in favor of Bad_Brad or maybe joe6pak. At least we don’t have a bunch of contributors we have to please. Aaron Burr could be a good choice as well. Uncle Al could be in the running. Im sure there’s more of us that I could support, but those are the first that come to mind. Oh wait, I forgot BFH and MJA. MJA could possibly be a sleeper MVP. She’s on top of a lot of crap going on out there!

  3. Loco, are you serious? Tequila shots all around is not a good idea. That’s not to say I wouldn’t participate, but that isn’t what I think the Speaker of the House should endorse.

  4. Denmark? DEAD.
    Ireland? DEAD.
    Trinidad but not Tobago….DEAD.

    I will go down as the greatest speaker of all time since I’ll be juggling 3 foreign wars while stoking division and strife at home.

    But mainly I’m into it for the possible book deal.

  5. Nah, Irelands got this funky map and there’s this chunk taken out of it called “North ireland” or something.

    I just want to smooth out some borders, send the pommies back to pommieland. But I could either way on this one.

    This is strictly a revenge deal.

  6. Loco, we need someone that gets triggered! These diplomatic negotiations to every war we start will get WWIII started sooner rather than later. Consider yourself not picked for future appointments.

  7. “Tells me you don’t know shit about Ireland or me, Brad.”

    Know a bit about Ireland. Wife and family are 100% with relatives still there. They talk. Things are not good. I know just enough about you to not want to know anymore or be seen with you in public.

  8. “we need someone that gets triggered! ”

    Just put a whiskey sour in my hand and point me at whatever you want destroyed.

    Fuck, I’ll donate my salary to a strip club and do it for free.

  9. Well, if any of you get the job, be sure to send Fur a few billion as he is fighting a war with the left and could use a few more resources.

    Some tanks and fighter jets would be cool too.

  10. “Aren’t we ALL fighting a war against the left?
    Fur, you are NOT alone!”

    No No. You and Rich are fighting a war for RDS. You prove it every night. And then type stupid shit like that. I would not consider you on my side.

  11. Once again Brad SHITS all over an ally.
    Just like Ireland in this thread.
    Doesn’t fucking get it, likely never will.

    RDS is needed you ignorant fuck.
    And joe6 mentions YOU for a post?
    We would be doomed.
    Good grief, I can’t even with this dumbass…

  12. No….I was givin’ Fur the business. It’s sorta’ the hallmark of our relationship. I talk shit, he ignores me. It’s worked out pretty well for the past 15 years.

  13. “Once again Brad SHITS all over an ally.”

    You’re no ally. You shit all over Trump all fucking week long and then on Friday night want a hug from Trump Supporters. How about, Fuck Off.

  14. If kissing Trump’s ass is the criteria for peace, WWIII would be inevitable.
    You may have 4 years of the man.
    It’s looking like he will never be allowed any power in government anyway.
    He needs to focus on staying out of prison and staying alive.

    Seriously, he should consider dropping out.
    These niggas ain’t playing.
    Do it for your family Donald.
    I wouldn’t blame him.

    Drop out, endorsed Florida Governor Ron DeSantis for President of the United States of America.

    Do it for family & country.
    Tell MAGA RDS is the new torchbearer.
    RDS has the record and the balls to get shit done.
    He really is Trump without the baggage.

    God Bless America!

  15. “No….I was givin’ Fur the business. It’s sorta’ the hallmark of our relationship. I talk shit, he ignores me. It’s worked out pretty well for the past 15 years.”

    Yikes, sounds like my marriage.

  16. Like this one time, I made Fur this puppet of a baseball player. I still have it. Can you believe that? I figured he could at least sell it and make some money for this place.

    Who wouldn’t want a hand crafted one of kind puppet by me? Hell, I’d sell it for hundreds of dollars.

    But that’s just me. I’m like unto a river for my people.

  17. Loco, you should change your acronym to KBS, for Karen Blanco Saltine. I’ve never seen anyone with such an inability to take a ribbing as you. My goodness, try something a little more soothing, maybe a fine Port, and call it a night.

  18. “Brad, we allied with Russia and many other strange bedfellows over”

    Yada Yada. Not in my FOX Hole. Don’t head west. Don’t need you. Head North. Rumor has it Burrs looking for targets.

  19. I’m not waging war against ireland if they’re already broke.

    At least I can extort denmark for a few billion.

    Fuck it, I should just concentrate my efforts against Trinidad.

  20. What Brad? Huh???

    I know Ireland from working over there.
    I still have a passport with September 11, 2001 8:30 AM stamped in it from the Dublin Airport.
    That was my very first visit.
    I couldn’t fly back due to some strange reason they had grounded all the planes…

  21. My great great grandfather came from Ireland and fought on both sides of the civil war, got veteran benefits from both sides too….changed wardrobes accordingly as to how the battle went…..You can never defeat the Irish…..We are wiley that way…

  22. You know, the more I think about it, Trump may indeed drop out.
    Make some behind the scenes deals with these rogue DAs.
    Drop out, drop charges.

    Save himself.
    Prison would kill him.
    Imagine being a billionaire and dying in prison.

    I think he may drop out.
    Thus proving DeSantis was smart to enter the race.

    I am fine with this.
    Trump dying in prison would likely end this country.
    Not that we are gonna survive anyway…

    Also, RDS would pardon any remaing federal bullshit.

    I’m happy with this scenario.
    It would be best for the country.
    Seriously, do you think they will EVER let Trump back in any kind of power?

  23. “I know Ireland from working over there.”….Does your last name start with Mc or O’……????….then you ain’t Irish or you might have been one of those catholic soup takers….Try that shit in a protestant area of Ireland…..Schmuuk…

  24. I have Irish in my blood you hillybillygoat faggot.
    They love me over there.
    I am being an ally of Ireland but since you have a stick firmly wedged up you ass and repeated buttfucking seems to embed it deeper, you cannot have it.

    If any true Irish read your ignorant posts here they would cast you off into the Irish Sea…

  25. Funny Irish catholic story…….A friends mom and dad finally made a dream trip to Ireland to play golf and have fun….They must have been in northern Ireland and asked the inn keeper if there were any Sweeneys around those parts….The inn keeper replied ” yes there are…they’re all in the cemetery”….

  26. “I have Irish in my blood you hillybillygoat faggot.”….Cool, does your last name start with Mc or O’? or are you a soup taker?…..Then explain to the world what “soup taker” might mean….If you don’t know that then you can’t explain 300 years of the Irish conflict…..Schmuuk

  27. Well, at the Harlan & Wolff factory my distant relative built a very large ship that some drunkard couldn’t handle.
    Distilling things down to only Mc or O’ tells me I am indeed arguing with an inferior intellect.
    Good night and perhaps get yourself a pint to salve your wounds…

  28. Speaking of Irish blood. My family is of the Irish Campbell’s. They supposedly had a hell of a feud with the Scottish Campbell’s a couple hundred years ago. Anyway, my dad had a sign over one of our doors that read “No Dogs, Horses, or Campbell’s Allowed”. Not sure why he liked it, but it was always there.

  29. “Well, at the Harlan & Wolff factory my distant relative built a very large ship that some drunkard couldn’t handle”…They were soup takers. Both Harlan and Wolff…..

  30. Campbell is Scottish, but like the Mc side of my family they went back and forth between Northern Ireland and Scotland to avoid war and try to get laid….That’s what men do mostly, if we have a choice…..

    Now, ask me about the German side of my family?….Those fuckers could hold grudges….

  31. This is confusing. Team Campbell needs to pick a side. Shirts or skins, home team or visitors, work it out.

    Also on the table, Wales.

    Pretty sure no one here would mind if it went missing.

  32. It’s more complex then that Burr, but lets concentrate on the Harland and Wolff Irish claim….Harland was British and Wolff was German……Those two boys couldn’t even claim to be Irish on St. Patricks day and neither can JessiLoco…..

    I do know that Tom Jones was Welch and it’s not unusual…..

  33. I’m not splitting the army to head north. There is nothing. Absolutely nothing that I can do to scotland that centuries haven’t already done.

    Look, this whole war deal is just like Ukraine money laundering. The irish owe my family 3.2 billion so I figured waging wah on the homeland would be a good way to get it back.

    You guys can just pay me 306.27 each as part of your share and we can forget all this and concentrate on denmark.

  34. “I don’t know about you, but I get my history from some ancient dipshit named willys from an obscure blog on the http://WWW…”…..

    Go ahead Loco, show me your receipts that wikipedia is wrong (I know wikipedia)…..Show me YOUR history of Harland and Wolff….I got more you sucker lipped soup taker wannabe (try saying that fast three times)….Post your receipts that you brag about or shut the fuck up….

  35. RepBurrations?

    I hadn’t thought of it like that.

    All I know is 2/3rd’s of the indentured servants my family brought over ran off. The hell is that about? I’d serve individual families but so many signed with an X that’s it hard to narrow it down.

    Hence, ireland will be d3stroyed until it coughs up 3.2 billion.

    Or…all 30 million of their descendants can cough up 306.27 each and again…we can move on to denmark.

  36. Hey Loco, you sucker lipped soup taking wannabe. Was it Harland or Wolff that was dead when the Titanic was built?….maybe both?…..

    This is perfect Burr. Now we can blend ethnicity with hatred for geopolitical corporations that hold down the common man and make them take soup to survive….It’s really all the fault of the British ( except for Monty Python)…..ask Australia….

  37. No….I….uh…I have no idea what language that is.

    Anyway, 1612 is when the first irish were brought over. Those guys died. My beef is with the guys who came over between 1641 to 1670. The ones Cromwell didn’t mush outright he sent over here. We had a contract. Again….lot of them signed with an X but that just goes to show that they had at least one hand when we got them.

    However… if you guys wanted to fulfill your ancestors obligations, my barn could use a coat of paint.

  38. This thread absolutely PROVES without a doubt what I have been preaching here for months.
    I want to thank you all.
    Seriously, thank you.
    Gracious of you.
    Well done.
    Author author!

    Alas, abandoning, denigrating true allies, going FULL BLOWN MAGA alone is a fucking death wish.
    And no, not the good Paul Kersey kind…

  39. Dear sucker lipped soup taking Loco…show me your receipts about the origin of Harland and Wolff’s heritage…Everybody strives to be Irish. It a heavy weight on the shoulders of us that are…..Face it you sucker lipped bastard, You weren’t even a SOUP TAKER!….

  40. “This thread absolutely PROVES without a doubt what I have been preaching here for months.
    I want to thank you all.
    Seriously, thank you.
    Gracious of you.
    Well done.
    Author author!

    Alas, abandoning, denigrating true allies, going FULL BLOWN MAGA alone is a fucking death wish.
    And no, not the good Paul Kersey kind…”

    That, right there is full blown Menderman…….I won’t participate anymore as a man loses his mind….sad really…get help Loco…

  41. It depends on how long it takes your monkey paws to open the can of turtle wax.

    Just pretend it’s a big potato. You’ll be working up a sweat in no time.

  42. AHA! You admit your monkey paws are acquainted with manual labor.
    Unlike your ancestors….who apparently would rather DIE than put in an honest days work.

    Typical irish shenanigans.

    The key is to buff the vehicle to a mirror like finish. I figure if you wax my bus, that’s a solid 2 days off your collective debt.

  43. Burr, perhaps you may sucker willys into some form of gratuitous wax adjacent action but us sentient mofos will shiv your fake aristocrat ass first.

    In fact I’m certain of it.
    Willys can’t go a single thread without mentioning you, Burr.
    Poor little scared manic-depressive worships your hairy ass for some bizarre reason?
    Seriously though, why would anyone?
    Poor willys. I should prolly let off destroying him…
    Nah, gonna keep on since he is such a glutton for abuse.


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