Mouse Trap 🤣 Lego Mayhem! – IOTW Report

Mouse Trap 🤣 Lego Mayhem!

How about some good, clean fun?

Bob and Mike  from Empty Nest Adventures navigate a mouse trap lego obstacle course.

h/t Jerry.

14 Comments on Mouse Trap 🤣 Lego Mayhem!

  1. Back in High School, a Buddy an I Played ” Human Darts ” . 15 Feet away from Each Other With Cardboard Right Behind us as The Scoreboard, We’d Try For Cardboard But Usually Got Human !
    My Mom Always Wondered Why I Wanted Thick Leather Tennis Shoes !

  2. I have 2 friends who would be perfect for this. In fact, after a couple beers, I’m pretty sure I would end up in the hospital from a laughing overdose. These two dudes in the video are ok in my book.

  3. Did I miss the rule you couldn’t slide your feet as you walk?


    I have an aging dog in the house that has just begun her stage of not being able to hold it in until she gets out.

    I used to get up and walk across my living room every morning without the lights on.

    Starting this Spring, not any more.

    I’m playing the “soft and wet” version of this game every day if I don’t turn something on now.

    I dread the coming day I either need to put her down or find her dead. She is a foundling that begged for help when I was visiting a cemetery back in Spring of `04. It was obvious some man had abused her, so she’s been a rather skittish girl all these years. Total sweetheart. The young lady that was with us was the only one that could put a hand on her there.

    We named her Lizzie because she trusted women more back then. GF suggested Lezzie because of that. Um, no.

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