Move Over Poop Map: Woke-Francisco May Need a Map to Keep Track of Where People Lean Out of Car Windows Pointing Guns – IOTW Report

Move Over Poop Map: Woke-Francisco May Need a Map to Keep Track of Where People Lean Out of Car Windows Pointing Guns

PJ Media:

If you thought home girl there wielding the AK47 out the car window was in some third-world hellhole, well, you’re almost right.

We’re now learning that this wild scene occurred – not on the streets of Cartagena or Tijuana, two dangerous, cartel havens – but on the streets of San Francisco in July.

The San Francisco Police Department, or what’s left of it, announced on Thursday that it had found the car from which the unidentified woman was wielding the gun. The discovery of the vehicle should give the police a bit more information. read more

9 Comments on Move Over Poop Map: Woke-Francisco May Need a Map to Keep Track of Where People Lean Out of Car Windows Pointing Guns

  1. She is a POC, so there will be no arrest/prosecution for the many gun-related crimes. And they will probably return the car with an apology. Cops will undergo wokeness training.

  2. Hmm, yea that’s a real gun. An AK pistol. The farthest thing from being legal in Fag Ville. My opinion is she should have the right to carry it. As long as I have the right to put one through her forehead if I think she’s a threat. I like the wild wild west rules of engagement. But that’s just me.

  3. Left Coast Dan, how impotent are the cops that at least four of them were standing there and none of them either 1) put a bullet through the driver’s window, or 2) shot out the tires?


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