Moving Against China’s Military for Hacking US Company – IOTW Report

Moving Against China’s Military for Hacking US Company

Daily Signal: As if identity theft alone isn’t enough of a concern for Americans, the Equifax hacking indicates that China’s military wants to weaponize sensitive personal information to undermine U.S. national security.

Three members of China’s People’s Liberation Army have been indicted by the Justice Department in the 2017 data breach of Atlanta-based Equifax Inc., one of the nation’s largest credit reporting agencies.

The charges include conspiracy to commit computer fraud, economic espionage, and wire fraud.

This was a data breach—a “release of personally sensitive, protected, and/or confidential data”—rather than a security breach, which refers only to the hacking of websites and applications without theft. read more

9 Comments on Moving Against China’s Military for Hacking US Company

  1. Why communists are even allowed travel and study into the U.S. is a head scratcher.

    They can bring their commie pregnant women army and poop out a kid on our soil, be a citizen forever, and establish a beach head to hack and undernine our country.

    I’m sure that every castle that fell, a liberal was manning the drawbridge.

  2. It’s times like these where people really need to ask themselves…WHO do you want in charge of our security?

    Benghazi Bitch?
    Bumbling Biden?
    Shit-for-brains Sanders?

    OR somebody who has a track record of successes and actually gives a shit about America and the true patriots?

    How obvious and easy is the answer, at least for those with half a brain?

  3. We also have to find out where the apps we download on our phones come from, too.
    And stop putting shit in ‘the cloud’. I know sometimes you are forced to do it with certain apps, but you shouldn’t be doing it with your personal info and pictures. You’d be surprised how many dumbasses on facebook put pictures of their cars and homes with their license plates and address numbers showing. And they tell everyone where they are every minute of the day, and when they’re going on vacation, too. You’re making it easy for the Meth heads to do ID theft. lol

  4. when one’s credit rating is subject to this sort of manipulation, one must question credit ratings themselves

    … all part of the collapse of the ‘system’ that, heretofore, has worked so well

    One World Order is doing a magnificent job

  5. Why in hell high-security systems keep getting networked together through the internet is beyond me. How did we function for decades. Gforbid someone has to download files and actually walk them to the agency in the other building…

    By the same token, how in hell did we ever find our way anywhere without GPS. And don’t get me started on the miserable idiocy of on-line medical records, which instead of readable charts are medical practitioners’ time-wasting mistake-riddled gobbledygook…

    And how could we possibly function when everyone in any given room, or walking down the street, wasn’t staring into a smartphone or else yakking loudly into the air…

    Once upon a time, being electronically monitored was sort of a punishment for parollees…

  6. Companies that do business with China should be stigmatized like those that did business with the Nazis before WW2.

    Because everything now is technically before WW3. I read that Xinhua news agency article linked in that Tucker Carlson post.

    Seriously. Fuck those people with a sharp stick. Their government issued editorial is that the world, and the US specifically, should thank them for all they’ve done to control the virus that escaped their lab (that they will never admit to). Also, how will we like them cutting off pharmaceuticals they manufacture to retaliate for the travel ban? An explicit threat.

    How about we just kick every Chicom national out of our country with lifetime bans for them and any family members. Not that this gets much news:

    They are the enemy of all we are and all that is good in the world.


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