Moving The Goalpost In Record Time – IOTW Report

Moving The Goalpost In Record Time

Diogenes’ Middle Finger: DJT signed an Executive Order today that essentially allows families to be detained together in order to stop the issue of separating children from parents. This, we were assured, was the primary concern of the most virtuous among us who have driven a news cycle of hysteria the last week. Furthermore, this was a situation so dire they said, so terrible, that the President needed to simply ignore the law and stop separations on his own.

So what happens when he actually does what they want?

“Rather than separating children from parents, the Trump administration will hold children indefinitely with their parents, violating a court settlement and inevitably triggering a legal challenge.” – The NYT’s

If you had under 6, the total number of hours it’d take for the Democrats and media figures to decide that ending family separations isn’t a good thing, collect your winnings at the window.  more here

11 Comments on Moving The Goalpost In Record Time

  1. Egg Zack Lee
    give ’em what they want & their heads still explode

    DJT is playing 3D Chess while these progtards are still trying to figure out Tic-Tac-Toe & complaining about the rules

  2. “Let the courts decide that the old way is better. Let the fedges strike down Trump’s humanitarian EO. The media is going to have a hard time to spin “keeping families together” as a bad thing, after they’ve gone full bore in support of it.”–Thirdtwin, earlier today

    They think they’re moving the goalposts, but Trump has them playing Twister. If they knew the story of Trump and the Mar-a-Lago flagpole, they might not be in this position. Might not.

  3. Trump is going to drive the democrats into literally stating before the next election that their goal is unlimited immigration from anywhere at any time for any reason. They’re going to scream this to an electorate that is seeing more decent jobs and decent pay than they’ve seen in over a decade in order to sell them on going back to being shut out of jobs by illegal labor.

    Democrats are in a race with themselves to see if they can be more stupid, crazy, or evil at any given time.

  4. @Meerkat Brzezinski June 21, 2018 at 1:14 am

    > Cha-ching! We just got sports betting in NJ…not interested,I want political betting. MJA and I (and you) could have made a Fortune on this one.

    I only want in on that action if The Democratic National committee is running the “competition”.

  5. Anonymous- Nah, what Trump did only smoked out the fact that the RINOs and them don’t want any border enforcement. AND this will make it easier to unload the illegals quicker. They’re all together already.


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