Mr. Beast Gives 3rd Worlders Free Homes – IOTW Report

Mr. Beast Gives 3rd Worlders Free Homes

And then they Sold Them.

8 Comments on Mr. Beast Gives 3rd Worlders Free Homes

  1. So, what else did they expect. The law of unintended consequences strikes again. Liberals are such idiots always believing in the goodness of their fellow man when there is no such thing. And they keep doing it over and over
    again, always expecting the masses will do the right thing which they don’t and never will. And meanwhile the masses always see a cash cow every time the libs try to do something nice for them.

  2. geoff – The law of unintended consequences may be at play here or not.
    Frankly I think that it’s more along the lines of: Half of the country dreams up new ways to screw the other half out of what they got. Or… Conservatives earn it while Liberals burn it.

  3. Great thread yesterday from James Lindsay about Communism and ‘free stuff’.
    “Don’t let anyone fool you. Communism isn’t anti-competition. It’s extremely pro-competition, just not for anything useful. It’s a vicious, Hunger Games-style competition…”

    You can give stuff to people, but their view of it is as an economic good which they will exploit the way THEY want to, not how your altruistic brain wants them to. And their thought process is that they can’t change the size of the pie so they have to fight for what they see rather than create more. You can absolutely do good for people in need – but you need to consider how best to help them, which more likely involves getting them used to working and then appreciating the results of their work. Habitat For Humanity is a decent example, the homeowners are required to put in ‘sweat equity’ of their own if they want a home.

  4. LCD — Great commentary on the situation!

    Also, you’ll know this: “For even when we were with you, this we commanded you, that if any would not work, neither should he eat.” ~ 2 Thes 3:10

    The Bible has more than a dozen references to the integrated benefits of work, with an emphasis on hard work. This is an important aspect of life that most of our parents and grandparents understood — even more than the practical benefits of the contribution of their children — that working and contributing to the society of the family gave their children a sense of belonging, a stake in the enterprise, the satisfaction of doing a job they could accomplish, and the sweat of their brow.

    In a letter written to his “Dear Portia” while John Adams was in Paris, he wrote: ” I must study Politicks and War that my sons may have liberty to study Painting and Poetry Mathematicks and Philosophy. My sons ought to study Mathematicks and Philosophy, Geography, natural History, Naval Architecture, navigation, Commerce and Agriculture, in order to give their Children a right to study Painting, Poetry, Musick, Architecture, Statuary, Tapestry and Porcelaine.”

    Adams seems to be advocating for: “Hard times create strong men. Strong men create good times. Good times create weak men. And, weak men create hard times.” He did not mean that his progeny should become foppish goof-offs who squander the family principal buying up china at Southby’s. He assumed their studies would be built on the same foundational studies he undertook.

    Today, however, too many parents and grandparents are content to let the kids retreat to their bedrooms where they waste their time being instructed by pedophiles on Tik Tok, instead of finding the something useful to do around the house.

    (Wow, how did this comment go so far afield?)


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