Mr. Pinko Question: Who here is a rabid Jeb Bush supporter? – IOTW Report

Mr. Pinko Question: Who here is a rabid Jeb Bush supporter?

How is Jeb Bush second in the polls?

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60 Comments on Mr. Pinko Question: Who here is a rabid Jeb Bush supporter?

  1. Claudia, you nailed it. Unless we can see exactly who was polled and how, we cannot believe the results. I can create a poll that will give you any result you like, if you will just give me some leeway on how respondents are screened and how the question is asked. This kind of crap is pulled all the time. For example, the “1 in 5 college women are sexually assaulted!” data was generated not with a random, nationally representative sample of female college women, but rather it was data collected at only two schools. Second, the definition of “sexual assault” included absurd notions — if a guy ever tried to kiss a girl and she did not want him to try to kiss her, then she was sexually assaulted. If a guy ever leered at a girl with lust in his eyes, then she was sexually assaulted. The entire study was a joke, as is much of the research that makes headlines these days. “Researchers” decide what they want to prove and then create a study that is sure to prove it.

  2. Yeb Mush! 2016
    Lowered Expectations For Civility

    “If we are going to compete in this world we’re in today, there is no possible way we can do it with lowering expectations and dumbing down everything. Children are going to suffer and families’ hearts are going to be broken that their kids won’t be able to get a job in the 21st Century.”

  3. Chisholm, toilet paper actually IS useful, though useful for a very dirty job. Perhaps you meant today that polls are as useful as USED toilet paper. Now in that case you would have a point.

  4. Good article. TY. The potential first lady with the most sincere looking smile is Mrs. Carson. She smiles like a person I would most likely be comfortable in her presence.

    I knew about the Goldman Sachs connection to Cruz, and that knocked my into the “someone elses” camp. Then Trump came along. Yes.

  5. With all due respect, LIR, this is one of the dumbest comments I have ever read on this site. So what if Ted’s wife works for Goldman Sachs?

    I worked for Merrill Lynch for 20+ years. My wife has worked for Merrill Lynch, JP Morgan, Chase, UBS, and currently works for Bank of America.

  6. Dems who do love Jeb, do so because he’s a guarantee for another republican defeat. Any republican for him is unsure as to what’s their actual political conviction; think RINO.

  7. I find it very odd that people would toss out a candidate because of where their spouse works.

    Tell me all about the influence the spouse has on their partner because of where they work. Show me where the candidate voted against their conscious because of their spouse’s loyalty to their job.

    I’m sure we could find something about every one of the candidate’s spouses that would eliminate them from being qualified to become President of the United States.

    You know who that would leave us with? Lindsey Graham.

  8. After many, many hours of of self deliberation, deep contemplative thought, reviewing hours upon hours of CNN, MsNBC, CBS, ABC, and even fox news and editorials, I have concluded that the absolute best candidate is JEB BUSH. No standard can fly higher. I heartily endorse J E Bush for President of these United States.


    G. H. W. Bush

  9. I Support JEB!

    I support JEB to be exiled to mexico in a donkey cart with a broke wheel, no bottled water, after all his assets have been seized and used to repatriate all the illegal invading rat people.

  10. We make choices, Claudia, in different ways. I have a visceral negative reaction to Wall Street and its strangle on America.

    Perhaps Ted and Heidi don’t talk about it. I don’t know. …..Lady in Red

  11. It seems like a wide variety of real women, REAL PEOPLE, with accomplishments, interests, and histories, in conjunction with their spouses and on their own.

    Compare/contrast ANY of them with the fake gender, faked resumes, LYING POS couple of traitors we’ve witness for the last 2 terms.

  12. Polls are rigged, worthless and unneeded! They go where the money takes them and to what end they want the final determination to be (or reported by them to be)! They supposedly interview 2,000 people out of 330 million and extrapolate from that. If they really do interview anybody and actually keep track of their sentiments then they need somehow to eliminate the liars 30%) and those who answer what they believe the interviewer wants to hear (30%) and the inherently stupid who don’t know their butthole from a hole in the ground (35%) leaving 100 true responders from which to make a determination! Ha ha, 100 people are deciding such things of Homosexual Marriage, race relations, presidential ranking, etc (and we buy it)!

  13. Name recognition plain and simple. As much as I pretend to perceive conservatives as smarter than an average bear or donkey, I know in my heart that just as many are ignorant and vote for the shiny object.

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