Mr. Pinko Says …. – IOTW Report

Mr. Pinko Says ….


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14 Comments on Mr. Pinko Says ….

  1. Hey, Hillary gets a three-part question and says your only entitled to one answer. I say I hear your one request, Mr. Pinko, and I’ll give you three answers:
    1. If elected, I pledge to adopt my immigration plan.
    2. I pledge allegiance to the United States of America.
    3. I pledge to defend the Constitution of the United States of America.

    See Hillary? It’s not hard.

  2. I like Trump, but he’ll cost us the election if he runs third party. He can win any independent votes and even some democrats by running republican. All his voters need to do is REGISTER as republican (if required in their state) before they vote. It’s that simple. To make America great again, they’ll do it, unless they’re too lazy?

    Now take the pledge and unite us.

  3. If Trump does not get the Republican nomination for some reason, and it DOES turn out to be Jeb Bush, I don’t think Trump going independent is going to cost us the election. I think everyone will vote for the independent candidate.

    Can’t we wait and see before we start shitting over it? Also, as fast as conservative media and bloggers are at spreading a wild fire across the internet – I think we could make sure the candidate we want wins, rather than another commie demoncrap lying treasonous criminal – AGAIN.

  4. Elections are too close to start splitting votes. It’s why Hillary is so concerned that Bernie Sanders may run third party, if he doesn’t win the Democrat nomination. She may have to pay him off one way or the other. Crony socialism? And I wouldn’t worry about Jeb winning the Republican nomination. It’s highly unlikely.

  5. Gladys was too diplomatic.
    Your fear is HORSESHIT.
    Either we win or we lose.
    And anyone other than Cruz or Trump will LOSE.

    And the GOPe will *never* let Cruz get the nomination.

    Trump will get Independent and Democrat votes regardless of Party affiliation…if any.

    You would do yourself a favor by going to the site Conservative Treehouse and reading through the series about the GOP and Trump.

    Start here:
    and look through the RESOURCE / REFERENCE MATERIAL listed at the end of the article.

  6. “anyone other than Cruz or Trump will LOSE.”

    Gibberish. Or as you call it, HORSESHIT. Way too early to make such a claim.

    “the GOP will never let Cruz get the nomination.”

    It’s ultimately not up to the establishment but we the people, as long as we’re united. And Hillary will win if Trump goes third party – you can take that to the central bank. You’d do yourself and your country a favor but not wishing for a third party split. I’m fine if Trump wins the nomination, but if he doesn’t, that’d be the time to bow out gracefully, instead of helping his character and country go down in flames.

  7. It started back in the furthermost depths of time, before time existed, at the beginning, when God spoke (or thought) “Light!” and the “Big Bang” occurred. What did not exist, suddenly came into existence with a terrific burst. The light of a thousand trillion suns came into being from nothing, and began to coalesce, and slow into matter. Quarks and gluons formed from the condensing photons and the strong force attracted them to other quarks and gluons eventually forming Protons, Neutrons, and Electrons, Protons captured Electrons through Coulombic forces and became Hydrogen.

    Have to continue this later …

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