Mr. Pinko says: “The genius of Trump” – IOTW Report

Mr. Pinko says: “The genius of Trump”


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11 Comments on Mr. Pinko says: “The genius of Trump”

  1. An “A+” in Logic 101!

    Saw a chart recently (can’t remember if it was here or elsewhere) showing that Trump has spent less than a quarter-mil on advertising to get him to approximately 35% in the polls. Yeb!, who is polling at roughly 4%, has spent $33 MILLION on advertising.

    Please tell me who you would prefer to be the chief executive officer of our country.

  2. Yet that WSJ assclown Holman Jenkins tells us that there’s absolutely no way Trump can afford to finance a general election campaign. Never trust what a guy with a Stenography Certificate tells you about money.

  3. …and he is giving it to them good and hard too! I am so enjoying this campaign. I eagerly anticipate the next comment Trump will make causing the libtards to swoon and pontificate over for days on end while following him around asking for clarification. This my friends, is how it is done. GO TRUMP!

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