Mr. Pinko – this is why I support Trump – it’s driving the Left, the Media and GOP MAD! – IOTW Report

Mr. Pinko – this is why I support Trump – it’s driving the Left, the Media and GOP MAD!

Colorado ACLU Member “Shoot Trump voters before election day”

Another crazy headline:
Donald Trump Crushes Republican Rivals in Brand-New Poll
And Americans are scared as hell.

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29 Comments on Mr. Pinko – this is why I support Trump – it’s driving the Left, the Media and GOP MAD!

  1. Quote from Communism Kills:
    “Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders agree on the same socialist fundamentals.

    They both want to close the borders to “drive up American wages.”

    They both want to cut off trade with China to “drive up American wages and have more goods produced here.”

    They both hate international trade because it “hurts American jobs.”

    They both support single-payer healthcare.

    They both think socialism works in Europe.

    They both were/are Democrats.”

    Thoughts on this?

  2. Trump successfully provides thousands of J.O.B.S. in the private sector.

    Sanders could never get a private sector job. He’s been sucking off the tax payers dime his whole damn adult life.

  3. I was up last night and watched Jimmy Kimmel-IMHO he is more tolerable than Fallon. Kimmel’s monologue was a 10 minute Trump bashfest! I was yelling at the TV- can no jokes be made about Hillary? Bernie? I used to like Kimmel…

    I know. I know. I shouldn’t be surprised.

    Trump is the most hated man on my leftarded Facebook newsfeed. Heh. 🙂

  4. Many people are in agreement on Tromp. If he can defeat the evil scumbags in the media then he can defeat ANY enemy we face including odinga and Hitlery and the demoncrats.

    The worst enemies America has are the traitorous scumbags like homosexual midget George Steponmycockulous, Jake Tap-me, Cock Todd, Kiss Mathews, and all of the other gays that sit in the underground gay S & M clubs eating penis and rubbing expensive lotions on one another.

  5. If you can keep your head when all about you
    Are losing theirs and blaming it on you,
    If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,
    But make allowance for their doubting too;
    If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,
    Or being lied about, don’t deal in lies,
    Or being hated, don’t give way to hating,
    And yet don’t look too good, nor talk too wise:

    Trump is a self made man. There is nothing they can do to him.
    He is self satisfied and uncaring about their approval
    I heard Rush say he has spent less than a Million so far!
    I want him in charge

  6. That guys not getting any sleep tonight. He’s erased 2 of my comments inside 30 seconds. His street address is all over the Internet along with a lot of info on his two daughters. This fruit loop is certifiable.

  7. Veeeerrrrrry nice work !!! Keep it up. Make him and his family know that the public has been informed they are terrorists. The ACLU is another terrorist front group funded by Soros intent on desyroying our rule of law and constitutional rights.

  8. Exactly. If some dweeb were ever to try that on me, it would be soooo tempting to say,

    “YOU, sir, have challenged me to a duel. I am prepared to defend my character. Shall we say, on the count of ten…starting NOW” … and watch them pee in their pants.

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