Mr. Pixela.. Pinko With Some Guy – IOTW Report

Mr. Pixela.. Pinko With Some Guy


32 Comments on Mr. Pixela.. Pinko With Some Guy

  1. Good get, Mr. P.
    But, you’re still wearing that checked shirt with the wife-beater?

    C’mon, …if you’re going to do the hobnob, you’re going to have to spruce it a bit.
    At least your one hair is combed.

  2. Because his mother is American and Cruz is an American citizen, he’s not a Canadian citizen.
    The constitution does not explain what a natural born citizen is, so why do you want to define it to mean Ted Cruz can’t be president?
    Who do you want?
    Jeb Bush?

  3. Liberals are sayin. He can’t be president. Not born in this country. I’ll vote for anyone who is not a liberal or RINO.
    Is this how we got Obama. Maybe it’s time to get real specific as to what natural born means. I can’t take another commie.

  4. I choose to believe a natural born citizen is a citizen at birth, and not naturalized after. Cruz was an American citizen at birth due to his mother’s citizenship. Can anyone prove me wrong?

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