MRC, For America Presidents Join Conservatives Filing Ethics Complaint Against House Speaker Pelosi – IOTW Report

MRC, For America Presidents Join Conservatives Filing Ethics Complaint Against House Speaker Pelosi

CNS: Media Research Center (MRC) President Brent Bozell and For America President David Bozell, along with leaders of 38 additional prestigious conservative organizations, have signed an ethics complaint against House Speaker Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) filed Wednesday by Tea Party Patriots Action.

Brent Bozell, signed the complaint in his role as the president of the MRC, of which is a division.

The complaint calls on the House Office of Congressional Ethics to investigate “multiple violations of House rules” by Pelosi, including “abuse of power” and making “false statements to the public and to media”:

“Speaker Pelosi has violated the Official Code of Conduct of the House of Representatives in the following specific instances, establishing a pattern of conduct that reflects discreditably on the U.S. House of Representatives, and she has abused her power as Speaker of the House of Representatives in her determination to conduct impeachment proceedings against the President of the United States. We direct the OCE’s attention to the following examples of Speaker Pelosi’s abuse of power, misuse of House resources, and false statements to the public and to the media, as well as abuse of the hearing procedures of the U.S. House of Representatives.”

The complaint headlines and enumerates three charges against Pelosi:

7 Comments on MRC, For America Presidents Join Conservatives Filing Ethics Complaint Against House Speaker Pelosi

  1. Again – “sound + furry! Signifying nothing!”! I hope the Bozells have big donors; this will cost big $ . As a conservative who voted Barry in ’64 Im familiar with their dad. A very good man, as they are. But?

  2. All of those who voted for House Res 660 are guilty of Sedition. Here is the text of the resolution:

    And here is the Sedition law, US Code Title 18 Section 2384:

    All signers of HR 660 have “conspire to overthrow” the US Government and “oppose by force the authority thereof, or by force to prevent, hinder, or delay the execution of any law of the United States”.

    What “force” have they used you ask? The force and threat of force of imprisonment, fines, and other punishments for not complying with subpoena’s issued “under the color of law” by the kangaroo court. In other words, if you refuse to participate in the conspiracy to overthrow the President of the United States, they will have you jailed or worse. Think SWAT teams in the middle of the night for an Adam Shifty subpoena, followed by imprisonment until you cooperate.

    ALL of those who voted for HR 660, including the Speaker of the House, should be arrested immediately and charged with Sedition. This charade has gone far enough.

    Email President Trump and urge him to take immediate action to suppress the rebellion and restore the Constitution and Rule of Law.

  3. Off topic, but we can’t ever forget the RINOS, case in point:

    As the RINO “tall tower” crowd continues to lose its power within the OKGOP, they have apparently taken drastic measures to retain power in Oklahoma — and this time they’ve been caught funneling money to liberal Democrats! The Oklahoman reported two weeks ago on a dark money PAC headed to court for illegal campaign operations, but what they failed to report was who the donations were going to and who was in charge of the PAC.
    It turns out that the registered filing agent for this dark money PAC is none other than OKGOP Vice Chairman’s appointed executive committee member Seth Rott. Seth Rott is a outgoing, has-been lobbyist who is involved with the Oklahoma Young Republicans and is the founder of the pro-LGBT agenda Log Cabin Republicans. As registered filing agent of the PAC, Rott appears to have orchestrated the movement of tens of thousands of dollars illegally to candidates campaign accounts, including high profile liberal Democrats like Scott Inman and Cory Williams as shown below:

  4. If Trump doesn’t exert his authority to take these traitors out, he is not in control.
    “It is official – the Lefties are going for impeachment
    They have now launched a soviet style”impeachment resolution” that is totally lacking transparency.
    If they want to destroy the United States, their only chance is “secret tribunals” which, if successful, will prevent any need for them to scurry away like roaches to infest the 4 corners of the earth.
    Hillary probably won’t be generous with her ill gotten gains

    Hillary: “Don’t call Haiti a sh*thole, after all, after that earthquake I milked the place for $13 billion. It was, in fact, a gold mine.
    Yep, an impeachment inquiry because of THIS:
    Al Baghdadi’s secure line to the State Department. Now that he’s dead and the genie is out of the bottle, Pelosi simply has no choice or she’s going down.
    [Photo of electronic lines with President, Security, and Military seated around table]
    Keep in mind that the above has been kept TOTALLY out of the media, so people don’t realize why Pelosi made her move.”


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