MRNA Expert: Time for US officials to ‘check egos at the door’, change course on COVID – IOTW Report

MRNA Expert: Time for US officials to ‘check egos at the door’, change course on COVID

Dr. Robert Malone, the man who invented the mRNA technology used in some coronavirus vaccines, speaks out on Orwellian censorship that is happening within the CDC and by the media, reflecting on how any question as to the efficacy or long-term effects of the vaccine are being targeted as ‘dissent… down to the level where they censor if they say things that are contrary to what the WHO or CDC says’.

18 Comments on MRNA Expert: Time for US officials to ‘check egos at the door’, change course on COVID

  1. I was VERY early infected with Covid-19.
    My symptoms hit on December 3rd, 2019.
    Way way way, before it was even a pandemic.
    Two hospital visits and two doctor visits determined NOT A DAMN THING!
    They had NO IDEA what the hell was wrong with me.
    Luckily I survived but not before I seriously thought death was imminent.
    Imagine lying in bed afraid to fall asleep, wanting to stay awake seemingly for your last breaths of sentient consciousness…

    This virus was produced in the Wuhan lab without a single fucking doubt.
    There were “war games” that took place in September/October 2019 in Wuhan that included US troops and many other military soldiers from around the world.
    The Wuhan Lab DELETED their infection DATABASE in September, 2019.

    In order for it to spread, it took a period of time.
    I live and work in Las Vegas and the troops from Nellis brought it back to our city.
    The evil Chinese communists developed this on purpose TO KILL!

    In 1941 the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor and a few years later we bombed the fuck out of them.
    The Japanese bombing was barely a scratch compared to what the chink rat-bastards did to the world.
    They want world domination.
    If you deny this you are an ignorant fuck.
    How is that EVEN possible?

    Their Covid wasn’t as lethal as they thought & desired.
    It took out many with co-morbidities but they wanted far more to die.
    No doubt they are working on a World War Z type of weapon.
    They are evil fucks that MUST be dealt with.

    Getting Trump out of office was just a lucky side effect for them.

    The fact is EVERYONE will be infected with some strain or form of COVID.
    It is built in to it!!!

    Our dickheaded fucking leaders either know this, or they are far more ignorant than I can even fathom.

    GOD help us!

    Everything I wrote is true, I am not making up a God-damn thing.
    The world is indeed fucked…
    Doom is imminently on the horizon.

  2. If western civilization falls, at least it will finally prove to people that they’ve been lied to, that God is not and never did uniquely bless the U.S. above all other nations. ALL have sinned, ALL are (for now) receiving grace instead of richly deserved wrath, and He hasn’t played a national favorite since the time of the book of Acts.

    This nation was designed and intended to be quite unique, true, but we’ve always been 100% composed of sinners, just like every other nation in history. Our end must be the same as theirs…decay and collapse. It’s the common lot of man. We will be no exception.

  3. LocoBlancoSaltine
    I believe you. Here in Wisconsin there were Covid-19 breakouts in mid October 2019. It followed the World Dairy Expo in Madison in September 2019. There were 16 attendees from Wuhan at the conference. It never made the news because it wasn’t a pandemic yet. The MSM is part of the coverup.

  4. Whether this started as an accidental lab leak or an intentional one, there’s no doubt that the globalists have taken advantage of it as a worldwide investment scam to make trillions and to permanently entrench their power. Maybe they were in collusion with the chicoms from the start, meaning this has been the goal the whole time.

  5. Every single day I hear someone else in government, media or some dumbass billionaire come up with another way to force you to take the shot.

    Digital passport tied to your bank account, internet, job. So no job, possibly lock you out of your money, no shopping at a store or online and kick you off the internet entirely.

    No social security.
    No insurance renewal when open enrollment opens back up.
    $50 deducted from your check every month by your employer.(At least those with this idea allow you to have a job.)
    No school.

    I’m just curious have any of these people read the Bible?

  6. My family had it in October of 2019 also. Had a terrible cough for at least six weeks and my pregnant daughter was sick for three months, and the baby, who was born on February 5, had breathing and lung problems that the doctors couldn’t figure out so she was in the NICU on oxygen for three days. So we have been disgusted with all of the fearmongering. What the government has been doing is far more dangerous.

  7. grool
    “finally prove to people that they’ve been lied to”
    No, they won’t. The media will continue to spin it in a way that makes the un-vaxed responsible for all their troubles.
    The Covid scenario has created a new radical religion. Jim Jones would be proud of the job they’ve done. If a social worker showed up at the “believers” home and said, “Here drink this Kool-aid and you will be cured”, none of them would even ask what’s in it.
    There is also a large part of the population wearing blinders, and don’t even want to know the truth.
    Alexander Tytler – Then it goes in this sequence:
    Bondage, Spiritual Faith, Courage, Liberty, Abundance, Selfishness, Complacency, Apathy, Dependence.
    Look around and MOST of America is either at Selfishness, Complacency, Apathy, or Dependence. So up next is Bondage.

  8. Well he shot down horse paste ivermectin saying don’t take it. Anyone know where to get human tablets to have on hand in case of infection for early treatment? I don’t want to be stuck in a doctor’s office all coofed up trying to convince a doctor who won’t prescribe it to me.

  9. ecp I wouldn’t use horse paste either, it doesn’t have just ivermectin in it. You can go to the frontline doctors and they will call it in to a pharmacy near you. However, looking at their list of doctors to call some are charging up to $100 to do so.
    I take the injectable ivermectin but mix it with a little orange juice and drink it. It’s about $70 for 250ml.

  10. ecp
    I ordered mine from India. Look for Ziverdo Kit. It is a complete course in each kit, Zinc acetate 50 mg, Ivermectin 12mg, Doxycycline 100mg. I ordered 12 kits and 200 Hydroxychloroquine. About 3 weeks to get them.
    There was a link here on IOTW at one time, but I can’t find it now.


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