Ms. Blasey-Ford Legal Team: No Further Plans To Pursue Allegations Against Brett Kavanaugh – IOTW Report

Ms. Blasey-Ford Legal Team: No Further Plans To Pursue Allegations Against Brett Kavanaugh

CTH: No surprise here.  With Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh having successfully defeated the fraudulent smear campaign mounted against him; the political operatives in control of Blasey-Ford announce they have no further plans to pursue.  more here.


20 Comments on Ms. Blasey-Ford Legal Team: No Further Plans To Pursue Allegations Against Brett Kavanaugh

  1. Well this didn’t work so we’ll just try to slip away into the shadows. Bullshit! They obstructed and subverted a government function. Investigate how this came about and who is responsible. Then try them in court. If found guilty they can always appeal. All the way to the Supreme Court if necessary 😂.

  2. Kavanaugh is a Justice. The icing on the cake; the process led to the self destruction of a virulent Palo Alto CA leftist while simultaneously destroying the arsenal of the radical democratic (communist party).

    What are the leftists going to use as ammo against the next Trump SCOTUS candidate? They just cut off their noses to spite their faces.

    They are naked, vulnerable, and defeated and Trump gave them all the rope they required and then some in order to help them hang themselves.

  3. Different Tim, that’s what I told my sister. She is trying to run away thinking they will ‘forget’ her. I pray that they go after her with everything. That’s the only way to stop this from happening over and over again.

  4. What are they going to do when the D’s subpoena her to try to impeach Kavanaugh?

    I think the house will stay majority R but you never know – and even if they are successful in voting to impeach either Trump or Kavanaugh, does anyone really believe a 2/3 majority of the Senate will convict?

  5. They’re going to try to save what powder they have left for next nomination, the one to replace RBG.

    Amy Coney Barrett, who will be their worst nightmare made real. A highly competent women whose already been accused by senate democrats of being “orthodox catholic.” They’ll have to go at her directly, which means exposing their secular socialism for the entire country to appreciate.

  6. There is no way she was going to file a false report with law enforcement which would be a crime. She tried. She also doesn’t want to have to answer questions on her fbi buddy, deep state lawyers etc. Meanwhile useful idiots have $600k plus in her go fund me.

  7. I forgot if I ever brought this up, but Christine Ford, if she was faking that voice, will now have to talk like she did during her hearing for the rest of her existence. Most likely, taping her classes at Stanford will be forbidden if this was the case.

  8. I hope for the sake of the next SCOTUS candidate Trump puts up, the SJC isn’t done with that lying bitch Ford and her scumbag ex-FBI buddy. Those assholes deserve some time in Club Fed.

  9. Of course- they want it to go away. Quickly. ‘Old news.’ Not for me. Keep it open.
    And here’s pelosi explaining page 72 of the dnc handbook- ‘the wrap up smear’
    I don’t think she meant to do this, but she basically is explaining all the Trump and Kavanaugh strategies of the dnc. It is very short, but also concise.
    these people are evil
    This should be a Republican campaign commercial

  10. And the lunatic “demonstrators”…

    I think it’s time that every screamer got Baker Acted instead of arrested on an ROR misdemeanor. See how much fun 72 hours in a psych ward is.

  11. Katz/Blasey may not want to pursue the matter, but guess what the rest of the United States of America’s moral folks want to “pursue” your commie/facist/criminal/deceitful asses back to your caves and burn you out then grind you up and feed you to the pigs..

    It’s time to go “biblical” on these demons.

  12. They are all about defending the honor of women and fighting against the injustice of an abusive patriarchy and denouncing the depravity of beer drinking and ….

    … until they’re not.

    LOLOLOLOL A pox on grandstanding hypocrites!

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