MSM Climate Alarmists Stumped After ‘Boiling Oceans’ Result In Very Quiet Hurricane Season – IOTW Report

MSM Climate Alarmists Stumped After ‘Boiling Oceans’ Result In Very Quiet Hurricane Season

Zero Hedge-

Climate alarmist journalists at leftist corporate media outlets sounded the alarm early this hurricane season in the Atlantic and Caribbean region that “literal hot water” and “unprecedented ocean heat,” fueled by “human-caused climate change,” would unleash a very active and devastating hurricane season. more

15 Comments on MSM Climate Alarmists Stumped After ‘Boiling Oceans’ Result In Very Quiet Hurricane Season

  1. Seven individual and unique epithets to describe the Godless climate zealots. They get perplexed when reality doesn’t conform to their narrative. Like when a woman abuses the hell out of a man to ‘bring him into line’ and gets all perplexed and hurt when he takes up with a different woman.

    Only thing is, the climate zealots insist on running the show for everyone thus spreading their destructive and useless narrative over a lot of innocent people who just want to be left alone.

  2. Hopefully more and more people are catching on that the boy who cried wolf has cried wolf too often and are starting to wake up and see it as nothing but never-ending leftist scare tactics. You can only cry bullshit so often before people realize that all they smell coming from the left is pure unadulterated bullshit.

  3. Dr. Chester Buggz, PhD: “As an Astronomer, an Astrophysicist, a Cosmologist, and an Astrologer, I study oceans, rivers, lakes, ponds, swamps, and puddles for NASA. I can tell you that we scientists must change course when we are forced to, like when newer evidence suggests that our former conclusions maybe not be 100% correct. Our continued funding from the Federal Government and various foundations depends on us changing like the wind.”

    “So it is with the warmer, hotter oceans. We have analyzed the data again and saw our mistake. The date was presented in the metric system and we thought it was in good old inches, feet, yards, miles and all of that kind of measurement.”

    “We now realize what the data means. It means that there will be a huge increase in the population of mosquitos in Northern Greenland next summer and will not result in huge hurricanes. We are now very sure of that, as Vice President Kamala Harris, our sponsor, has looked over the data, read the report, confirmed its accuracy, and told us- “‘you guyses are splotch on…keep up your valuable things…your whatchamacallits…uh…what you do, uh…the thing you do…and don’t forget to vote…for me…if you want to keep your funding – cackle, cackle'”.

  4. I’ve certainly been through my share of bad hurricanes where I live. Rita, Ike and Harvey were very destructive. Most of them are just a slight nuisance. We take them in stride down here. On the plus side, we don’t have earthquakes, landslides or blizzards. Everybody’s got something.

  5. Climate alarmists have never passed Earth science class.

    As one honest top scientist said after being told of the climate change fear: “A warmer world is a wetter world”. The idea it would create deserts and waste away farm land was stupidly ignorant of real science.

    Add that co2 is plant food. Then you have to wonder why crops would fail if we don’t take everyone’s money away from them.

    Forget failing crops… they are trying to legislate away farming and ranching now.

    How much more obvious does it need to get they’re trying to kill off the world. Only an idiot would try to help them do it.


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