Story: CNN anchor Jake Tapper said Sunday on his show “State of the Union” that it was “shocking” how wrong President Joe Biden was when he said it was “highly unlikely” the Taliban would quickly take over Afghanistan.
Establishment Media: Joe Biden Is in ‘Real Trouble’ amid Inflation, Afghanistan, Border Disaster

Reports: President Ashraf Ghani Flees Afghanistan.
McCaul: Biden 100% Owns Afghanistan — Has ‘Blood on His Hands’.
Taliban Overrun Home of U.S. Ally as Biden ‘Braces for Brutal Loss’ in Afghanistan.
Not a SINGLE question from the MSM regarding FOREIGN POLICY during the Trump vs biden* debates.
Not one…
It wasn’t shocking to the Patriots who didn’t vote for this odious buffoon 🤬
But, butt, the mean tweets.
I thought he would just go down in history as ineffectual. He’s already achieved epic failure on every issue, and we’re just out of the starting date. God, help us. Like now would be ok.
We’re shocked! SHOCKED! to find gambling going on this casino.
Any terminal Lance Corporal who has done a tour in Afghanistan saw that this would happen.
I don’t think he was wrong or mistaken. I think everything that is happening is by design and purposeful. The TRAITOROUS BASTARDS in charge could not be more satisfied.
Not long ago, the media was telling us how Joe was the lauded “foreign policy wonk;” the reason that the young 0bama chose him as VP.
The Democrats and their Media Mafia STOLE THE ELECTION from the very competent President Trump and us Americans so they could put this imbecile on a global scale into power.
Any patriotic American that ever votes Democrat is an idiot.
Free the 1/6 hostages.
@Ted Nougat: ‘Not long ago, the media was telling us how Joe was the lauded “foreign policy wonk”…’
Somebody made a typo in the journolist talking points emails. Clearly, that should have been “foreign policy wank”.
I’m now punished with watching NeverTrumper Jonah Goldberg on television commenting on what a horrible nightmare the Afghanistan situation is.
– Hey. Goldberg. STFU STFU STFU
– Hey. Goldberg. STFU STFU STFU
– Hey. Goldberg. STFU STFU STFU
J6P: I don’t know if that is entirely true. Yes there are things they want to do do fundamentally change the US. However, I think that along with that, many Dems (the naive as opposed to downright leftists) seem to think that the Presidency is a figurehead position filled by a popularity contest. That is part of the reason they did not like Trump who actually tried to get things done.
On Quora, someone mentioned how the prices of gas, lumber, and a number of other things are going though the roof. Someone replied that the President does not set the prices for those things. While maybe he does not set the prices, he does set the policies that affect those prices.
Too many people today think that all of the good things brought about in the United States are just the natural order of things. They do not comprehend that they came about because people worked hard to develop them. They want modern technology but they don’t think a high school graduate has to be able to read, write, or do math. They also do not understand that their ability to say how terrible the US is is possible because of how great it is. They seem to think that people all over the world can bad mouth their own governments with impunity.
Name one policy that Biden hasn’t failed at.
Biden has made a 50 year career out of Incompetence.
Has anyone seen any comments from George Bush, the dickhead that started us in this mess?
– He was always quick with snipes at Trump, but never a critical word about the incompetent Democrats
In Afghanistan freedom is not their cup of tea. We spent trillions of dollars and many lives there and gave them everything they needed to succeed. It was pissed away in record time. Why from this point forward would anybody trust the USA?
It seems we have left what friends we had holding the bag again.
We were warned by none other than Barack Obama.
“Never underestimate Joe’s ability to phuck things up” – Obama
Jimmuh Carter and Barry the Fairy have been drinking champagne all day. We now officially have a worse president than those two clowns.
Unless Joe is speaking on SJW causes that destroy the country, you can be 100% assured that what comes out of his mouth the exact opposite is true and destroys the country. Amazing no one is calling to impeach this buffoon when all the goons were ready to impeach Trump just for going down an escalator.
Gee, how many middle east shithole refugees are we going to be forced to absorb and support THIS time?
I guess gobama obama and her Iranian handler will have another celebration party at Martha’s socialist compound shortly.
May Mike Lindell’s Cyber Symposium bear fruit and we get PRESIDENT Trump back in there ASAP because all this CRAP we’re enduring is because of election fraud.
John McStain must be pissed as he burns.
John McStain must be pissed as he burns.
Well that explains the sizzling sound…
MSM: ‘Shocking that President Biden Could Have Been So Wrong’
Oh Jeezus spare me!! The Complicit, Bought & Paid For, Knee-Pad Media now needs a scapegoat for promoting their pet lying, old, blustering, bragging, cheating, loathsome, amoral, greedy, grinning bastard-ass Imbecile, who is completely devoid of any morals, scruples and standards, acts like he’s some kind of tough Squint Eastwood who when it comes right down to it is just the stumbling, bumbling stooge of the Communist network running things behind the scenes! To call this Dipshit a horse’s ass is an insult to all horses, mules, donkeys and jackasses everywhere… AND THE MEDIA KNOWS IT!!
I wonder what flavor of ice cream president Biden is enjoying tonight and if he got a nice long nap today
Never trust the moose limbs. Or Biden*
What is shocking to me is how the ‘MSM’ can blatantly and continuously lie, obfuscate and bullshit their way in support of the commies while acting like all is normal.
Phuck them all.
Satan has never had it so good.
Never thought I’d see the day when the Taliban was more reliable than the US gov., but here it is.
Ala alem achla accchhh alemmm allah phlegm! I keel you!
Glad to hear what Tapper had to say. Now I know what Zucker is thinking.
The WH tried to reassure us that the Pedo was on top of his game today with a picture of the senile potato head sitting alone and looking completely confused in a briefing room at Camp David.
On the screen was a video chat with both the Doha CIA station chiefs and two CIA lead intelligence officials clearly labeled as CIA so President Shit for Brains would know who he was talking to.
This nation is being run by fucking communist children.
I have long maintained that liberals are infantile in their maturity, intellect, and inability to lead.
They prove me right every single time.
Just like toddlers when they get in trouble they stomp their feet and claim it’s always some one else’s fault.
This nation is screwed, its obvious that since he started wandering around in the shrubbery they knew they had to quickly hustle him out of sight never expecting that Kabul would fall at the same time. Children.
Now they are stuck, since he is currently incapable of addressing the nation or even getting to the situation room and at least pretend he’s still with it.
Maybe this fiasco will be the catalyst for his removal.
One can hope, but since the cabinet and VP are children I doubt it.
I know, right, Jake? He was ALWAYS spot on about his ice cream.
The husk is just a cog on the gears of the Democrat’s machine of destruction. He has been in office for 7 month’s as president. Look at how much he has been able to fuck up in that short amount of time. Any person who paid even the slightest bit of attention should have seen this coming. Now, with the fall of Afghanistan, you might think he will own this. But, that will never happen. The American media will cover his dementia riddled ass while he takes naps & eats ice cream. I used to think that it would be kind of fun to watch this clown as president, but it is now a very scary time for all America & the rest of the world. But, at least Bad Orange Man not sending out anymore mean tweets, right liberals? Just remember, when we are overrun by China or jihadists, you will be the first ones on the chopping block.
@Cisco Kid.
Removal? That means Kamala. Or the witch from San Francisco.
The Dems absolutely engineered the crime of the century and we can’t do shit about it if the supremes refuse to get involved.
We are totally fucked.
“We are totally fucked.”
There are no more “free nations” left.
^^^^ THIS !!!! ^^^^
truth PH …. truth
… meant that comment for PHenry
Ted Baxter would’ve made a better President than Biden.
Silly twit Nancy Pee got out of bed long enough to say this:
“‘The President is to be commended for the clarity of purpose of his statement on Afghanistan and his action,’” Pelosi’s statement read in part. “’The Taliban must know the world is watching its actions. We are concerned about reports regarding the Taliban’s brutal treatment of all Afghans, especially women and girls.’”
The door just slammed shut on the women and girls of Afghanistan, Nancy Pee.
I will admit that we should never have put one soldier in that godforsaken shithole. We can’t force our political traditions on other countries without a ton of pain and billions of dollars. Forget Afghanistan and all the other world shitholes.
“The tribe shrinks during the churn.”
Will someone please ask the orange menace press secretary about Buyden saying the taliban are pretty much over? And how 0bama said they were junior varsity? LOL.
Oh boy- the generals of the ‘not on the books’ programs are going to lose their bullshit investments. They’ll probably set Buyden up for some rough times. (like they did to Trump, eh?)
There will be more leaks than Buyden’s diapers at 5am.
Mean while Liz Cheney is finally wet.
Speaking of W.A.P
Did you see Lindsey Graham’s people censured him?
His mascara. It’s running.
@TimBukTu – “…Pelosi’s statement read in part. “’The Taliban must know the world is watching its actions…”
And do you think that the taliban even GAF? Helllll No!! You antique relic hag.
I’m sure the talking points to spin this on Monday morning have already been sent to the usual suspects.
nice of obam, er, i mean biden to leave all our military equipment for the taliban in our hasty retreat from afghanistan!
How could Biden not have expected the Afghan regulars to throw down their weapons and run away like a bunch of French girls? Honestly, who did NOT see that coming?
The world is watching? Boy, that will show them what for. I bet they’re shaking in their sandals?
We are watching the world coming apart due to a communist take over of the United States.
Resident Applesauce brain just instilled a shitload of confidence to our remaining allies around the world with this one. Taiwan is next, within the next 6 months I bet.
Foreign diplomats and U.N. snakes are all weighing in and warning the Taliban to allow people who want to leave to leave, to not retaliate, and observe the rights of women and presumably homosexuals. Or else.
Or else what? The United States has been, since WW II, the “or else,” and now the Presidency is occupied by a confused and demented old guy who was never very sharp to begin with. There is no more “or else.” The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs is more concerned with political correctness than military readiness. Our liberal “elite” continue to jury rig elections to put anti-Americans in power. Our media hasn’t had an original thought for decades, and the current crop of dunderheads isn’t about to start now and they will continue to say what they are told to say. We allocate trillions of dollars for nothing, we don’t care if kids can read or write so long as they can come up with preferred pronouns, and we punish our citizens for not being more serious about Covid while allowing thousands of immigrants who have Covid to infiltrate our borders. Unless the Taliban is scared by drag queens reading books to children, they don’t have much to worry about from us.
The current political common denominator seems to be ice cream – the President likes ice cream, Pelosi likes ice cream, the press likes knowing what type of ice cream our politicians enjoy, etc. But Afghanistan is not known for the quality of its ice cream, so the hell with them. The Taliban can return to oppressing women, killing gays, supporting terrorism and torturing/murdering any one who has either opposed them or supported the prior government – but until they can make a good chocolate cholate chip ice cream, we don’t care. This theory makes as good of sense as anything else our Democrats have come up with lately.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. That, to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. That, whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles, and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness.