MSNBC Analyst: Warren’s Problem Is Applying as ‘Native American’ in the Past and Saying She Didn’t – IOTW Report

MSNBC Analyst: Warren’s Problem Is Applying as ‘Native American’ in the Past and Saying She Didn’t

WFB: Progressive political analyst Zerlina Maxwell located Sen. Elizabeth Warren’s (D., Mass.) main problem not in her claim to American Indian ancestry but in her deception about it.

After a Washington Post report found Warren listed herself as “American Indian” on her registration card for the State Bar of Texas in 1986, she’s facing renewed scrutiny of her claim that she never identified as a Native American in applications. On MSNBC Thursday, Maxwell argued Warren failed to tell the truth about her applications and dug a hole for herself.

“Her saying ‘my family told me this’ is not what the controversy should be about. The controversy is her saying that she did not put it on a form when she, in fact, did,” Maxwell said.

Maxwell, who is the senior director of progressive programming for Sirius XM radio, did not hold back on holding Warren culpable for the political mess she’s in regarding her claim to Native American heritage. Warren has long guaranteed she never used her ancestry claim to get ahead in any official capacity but she has apologized for using DNA test results to vindicate her claim, a move that backfired. Now, the Post report indicates she did not tell the whole truth about how she used her claim to Native American ancestry in official documents.

Maxwell explained the distinction between Warren only claiming heritage and her decision to apply as a Native American and then lie about it.  more here

17 Comments on MSNBC Analyst: Warren’s Problem Is Applying as ‘Native American’ in the Past and Saying She Didn’t

  1. In Democratville, the only thing immoral about committing a crime is getting caught. Then rather than own the crime, you go after the real culprit, those who exposed you.

  2. So … lying about being a fukkin Indian ain’t the problem, but lying about lying about being a fukkin Indian is?
    It’s no wonder the country’s so fucked up.

    How bout this? If elected to office; you lie – you die?
    Let’s make it a capital offense to deceive and/or defraud your sovereign (or the people you “represent” if that’s easier to understand).
    How bout it?
    Isn’t it about … time?

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. A lie, like a boomerang, always comes back to you.

    You can’t outrun it for long, it just never quits.

    That’s why you should never lie, the truth will always serve you better than a lie in the long run no how unpleasant it may be.

  4. I am sure she could have passed the muster at Haaavad’ without the lie, right?
    How about a beer? Straight from the bottle. Budweiser. Maybe you can bootleg some to your people in Pine Ridge since they shut down all the beer joints in White Clay Nebraska.
    Honey, your people need you, don’t give up!

  5. They didn’t ADD a seat at Harvard for Liawatha. She took a position that should have gone to a qualified (for one, not dishonest) candidate.

    THAT is where the Left needs to be held accountable. For every freebie they give out, someone must pay. For every Gimme they endow, someone else, more deserving, gets screwed.

    There has never been a ‘free chicken in every pot’, because that chicken belonged to someone. Someone who was coerced into giving it, or else it was charity.

    That should be the message overarching ALL this crap. LYING about your poor underprivilege is STEALING the opportunity that was not rightly yours. Affirmative Action might help some deserving rare soul, but it ALWAYS takes the position from a more qualified candidate.

    The model of Western Civilization was to reward/enable/free up Excellence.
    The shitbird models (all favored by LIEberals) include nepotism, favoritism, cronyism…. they promote the ‘underachievers’ because they never want to compete HONESTLY.

  6. Lying absolves People On The Right Side Of History™.

    If what you did was inexcusable, then what you did is inexcusable.

    If the lying would be inexcusable, but now the Truth™ is out, then you’re not lying anymore. Now you can “earn” a do over. If the People On The Right Side Of History™ want to “forgive” you. For whatever reason they think The Right Side Of History™ will be reached sooner.

    Liz Warren lying about being aboriginal can never change. If you say that is problematic, then Liz Warren can not be On The Right Side Of History™. If Liz Warren lying about lying about being aboriginal “comes out”, then she’s no longer lying about lying about being aboriginal. That means she’s “honest”. And Good™. And, now, eligible to be “our” new queen. (If you believe that story — you do believe that story, don’t you, loyal citizen — then she’s eligible, same as she ever was.)

  7. @Anonymous February 8, 2019 at 11:06 am

    (talking to myself…)

    And, yes, the same scam was run with Bill Clinton.

    If committing the (in Columbia, actual) crime of adultery, was the problem, then Bill Clinton had to go.

    If committing the (in most places) infraction of sex on the job, on the clock (with anyone), was the problem, then Bill Clinton had to go.

    If committing the (in feminist America) thought crime of “sexually abusing” a “female” you work with, was the problem, then Bill Clinton had to go.

    But if, if, lying (about all his crimes) was the problem, then having the Truth™ come out, means you’re not lying anymore. Now the country can “heal”. Now we can move forward. Onward, to The Right Side Of History™. And all those “crimes”? What “crimes”, loyal citizen? It’s “the cover up” that is problematic. Right? Loyal citizen? And what “cover up” do you have proof of? Now? Loyal citizen? Other than matters that have already been dealt with. On The Wrong Side Of History™.

  8. It’s not “nuanced”. It’s pretty simple.

    Elizabeth Warren scammed affirmative action to get ahead. Who knows where or when she got the idea to do it, but she did it. No way Harvard made this Rutgers grad a law professor except for this claim.

    She also plagiarized a recipe in @ 1984 for “Pow Wow Chow”. That’s proof of her character.

    Worse, her politics are disgusting, e.g. the designed-to-be-corrupt Consumer Financial Protection Bureau etc.


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