MSNBC: Benghazi Doesn’t Matter Because – IOTW Report

MSNBC: Benghazi Doesn’t Matter Because

Panera Bread

Or e-cigarettes. Or something.


On MSNBC’s The Ed Show, the host and his guests were predictably pontificating on why the Benghazi story doesn’t matter and is just so much hot air. One guest, Holland Cooke, had a particularly strange reasoning.

“I gotta tell ya. When I”m loitering, when I’m listening at Dunkin’ Donuts, at Panera, I have never heard the word Benghazi. You know what I hear at Panera? Job interviews. But I don’t hear Benghazi.”

That’s right, the story of Benghazi is so boring and inconsequential and lame that even the people who are loitering at Panera Bread don’t talk about it. In sociodemographic studies, a field I just made up, the relative importance of a story is often determined by the “Panera Bread Customer Engagement Scale” or “P-bready” for short.

Cooke goes on to add that he “heard some great talk radio this week when the stations were talking about things that matter.” Because Benghazi doesn’t matter you see. What’s some old “dead Americans” story got to compete with the big important stuff that matters like soup of the day?



12 Comments on MSNBC: Benghazi Doesn’t Matter Because

  1. Ignoids all. What are they going to do when the shit really hits the fan, ignore it as usual and say it doesn’t matter. Our biggest problem is lil barry and his cavalier, lackadaisical attitude about everything. He doesn’t give two hoots in Hell about anything but himself and neither do his brain dead sycophants and supporters. Maybe, just maybe we’ll get lucky and the coverup of Ben Ghazi could be Barry’s downfall. Tricky Dick was guilty of far less than barry is and he was removed from office. Where’s the real outrage of the American people, the vast majority of us saying enough is enough already.

  2. Geoff, just one major correction about your post.

    Nixon was not removed from office.

    He resigned. Big difference.

    These guys, however, will need to be removed forcefully and it will be with kicking and screaming the whole way. No integrity at all with the Dems.

  3. Wow, that was one of the lamest attempts to spin and deflect that I have ever heard.

    You really got the intellectual heavyweights there, didn’t ya Special Ed?

  4. I don’t frequent Panera or even Dunkin Donuts, but do tell me, does anyone there EVER mention that they watched MSNBC ?!


    But unworthy citizens too.

  5. Another reason why not to go to Panera.

    At the everyday local non-chain BARS and COFFEE SHOPS and DINERS I go to, everyone is bitching about the 2007-2014 Depression, the lack of jobs, bad economy thanks to Democrats, Obama’s foreign policy fuckups – including Benghazi and Ukraine and Iran’s bomb.

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