MSNBC Guest That Made Insensitive Comments About Mollie Tibbetts Deletes Twitter – IOTW Report

MSNBC Guest That Made Insensitive Comments About Mollie Tibbetts Deletes Twitter

DC: The MSNBC guest who made insensitive comments about the murder of Iowa college student Mollie Tibbetts apologized and then deleted her Twitter account.

Fordham University professor and MSNBC guest Christina Greer downplayed the significance of Tibbetts’ death on Tuesday, calling Tibbetts just “a girl in Iowa” who “Fox News is talking about.”

Greer somewhat apologized for her comments on Twitter on Wednesday, writing, “Yesterday I said something flippant that was unintended. Mollie Tibbetts was a promising young woman who lost her life. My hope is that her family will find peace & justice and that her murder is not used to justify a discriminatory immigration policy.” MORE

9 Comments on MSNBC Guest That Made Insensitive Comments About Mollie Tibbetts Deletes Twitter

  1. scr_north, now I’m curious: what would make “Black Ethics” different from white ethics? Aren’t ethics, well, ethics?

    Yeah, no, not curious enough to read the book, thanks. 🙂


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