MSNBC host Chris Matthews announces resignation amid series of controversies – IOTW Report

MSNBC host Chris Matthews announces resignation amid series of controversies

MSNBC star Chris Matthews shocked his colleagues and viewers Monday night by announcing that he was stepping down as host of the cable news channel’s primetime staple, “Hardball,” effective immediately. MORE

36 Comments on MSNBC host Chris Matthews announces resignation amid series of controversies

  1. Strange how these people that you’re hoping fall off the earth always just suddenly reappear. Like Hillary not just fading away into the dust of time, no she has to keep showing her face in the news and saying some dumb thing with that grating voice. ugh

  2. One shutters at the thought of the Proglodyte that will be produced to replace such an angry little man.

    It will be someone from the Obama admin, Susan Rice perhaps? Josh Earnest? Oh, here it is- Eric Holder. Just wait it will be some loathsome turd from the left who will lecture us all on how evil America is and the left is the only answer.

  3. the timing’s a bit suspect … just as he was getting moments of clarity & openly questioning the coming dRat trainwreck, this all of a sudden comes up

    … although, it couldn’t happen to a bigger asshole

  4. Good riddance to this worthless, lying, commie propaganda booze hound. Now he can dive head first into the nearest whiskey bottle until Satan, his master, comes to collect his blackened soul.

    He’ll no doubt spend the few remaining idle hours left to him with a tumbler full of rot gut in one liver spotted hand whilst penning a stream of love letters to his true love in life, Ex-Dictator Obama with his other hand.

    Douche Bag Extraordinaire.

  5. Matthews once worked for Speaker of the House, Tip O’Neill before masquerading as a journalist.

    Years ago I was at Tip’s favorite watering hole on Cape Cod in Chatham. The Chatham Squire. A great little joint.
    I asked about Thomas P. O’Neill.

    The staff referred to him as ‘No Tip’ O’Neill.

    Yeah. Another phony man of the people.

    But that was his boss and I shouldn’t go there.

  6. All these years, countless times insulting/pissing off the right with impunity, barely any push back…..but, he pisses off the left….ONE time and he’s gone.
    Anyone else find that an imponderable? Me neither.

  7. Retired my ass. He was fired for telling the truth. Tried to tell the commies they were AFU, needed to get their shit together. The DNC did not authorize him to say that. Fired.

  8. Asshole called Republicans “nazis” for an entire career.

    Makes some comments about a commie and his commie thug followers and is forced to quit in a week.

    Let’s you know both who are not nazis and who you are not allowed to criticize.

  9. Speaking of “Tip” O’Neill: One time “Tip” walked (staggered) into his office and Hamilton Jordan (Jimmy Carter’s Chief of Staff) was sitting there waiting. “Tip’s” receptionist said “Mr. Jordan is waiting to see you, Mr. Speaker.” O’Neill turned and looked at Jordan, and said “Tell Hannibal Jerkin I’m not in.” Turned and went into his private office.

    Sposed to be a true story (course I wasn’t there).

    One of the “Three Stooges of Alcohol Saturation” (O’Neill, Moynihan, and Kennedy)

    Anyway, fuck Tingles!

    izlamo delenda est …


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