MSNBC Quietly Retracts Rachael Maddow’s Ridiculous Venezuela Claims – IOTW Report

MSNBC Quietly Retracts Rachael Maddow’s Ridiculous Venezuela Claims

American Lookout: One of the most laughable and non-credible news hosts, Rachel Maddow, blamed the violence and riots in Venezuela on President Trump.

Now MSNBC is apologizing for her fake news story, but they are doing it online and in quiet fashion…


10 Comments on MSNBC Quietly Retracts Rachael Maddow’s Ridiculous Venezuela Claims

  1. The ole tried and true “Hit and Run Tactics” like monkeys flinging shit and hoping it stains… in this case it is to assassinate Trump’s character. Rush calls them the “Drive-By Media” same concept….

  2. I got quite a lot of pleasure watching Ricky’s show for a couple of weeks after the election, but that was about as much of her as I could stand. Who is it that thinks she is good at what she does?!

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