MSNBC Suggests Russia Behind Dropping of Flynn Case – IOTW Report

MSNBC Suggests Russia Behind Dropping of Flynn Case

Dan Bongino: The Left just can’t seem to get over the fact that they got (whether willingly or not) scammed into believing that Donald Trump colluded with Russia to steal and win the presidency.

Robert Mueller came up with nothing on Trump after a two-year witch hunt. The only purpose of Mueller’s appointment as special counsel was to cover up the Obama administration’s malfeasance regarding spying on Trump’s campaign and the efforts to take out every Trump loyalist they could, if not taking out the President-elect himself.

Yet, even though explosive evidence has been coming out over the last two weeks that the biggest scandal in American history went up to Obama himself and that Flynn was maliciously set up, we’ve been called conspiracy theorists all the way through to the end. But the Left has never had any evidence of collusion, as noted by the closed-door House testimonies of Obama officials, even as they publicly all said the opposite. MORE

6 Comments on MSNBC Suggests Russia Behind Dropping of Flynn Case

  1. It is amazing of how many downright despicable acts were committed by Obama and his minions but people still use the Flynn case to say how corrupt Trump is.

  2. “As a dog returneth to his vomit, so a fool returneth to his folly.”

    They can’t give it up!
    Can’t get back to Terra Firma – forever lost in a putrescent miasma of instability, hatred, and confusion.
    They stumble blindly – chanting the same same refrain – “Russia – Russia – Russia.”

    izlamo delenda est …


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