MSNBC Warns Sensitive Viewers Before Showing Anti-Hillary Buttons – IOTW Report

MSNBC Warns Sensitive Viewers Before Showing Anti-Hillary Buttons

Newsbusters : Warning, sensitive MSNBC viewers may want to look away. That’s essentially what Rachel Maddow told liberal watchers on Wednesday night before showing a picture of anti-Hillary Clinton buttons at the Republican convention. Considering the hateful rhetoric that’s come out of MSNBC for years, perhaps that viewer warning should have appeared in the past.

anti hillary buttons

The buttons included ones that read “Hillary for prison” and “Vote no to Monica’s ex-boyfriend’s wife in 2016.” Maddow informed viewers, “You may find it uncomfortable. And so, you may not want to look at this stuff. But these are some of the pins that are being sold at the venue.”   MORE

17 Comments on MSNBC Warns Sensitive Viewers Before Showing Anti-Hillary Buttons

  1. What sensitivities!!!! The liberals sling
    slime, so much that they are coverd in it! What a freaking joke pulled upon the snowflakes.

    This big brotherism is EXACTLY how the trap door spider-like liberals sucker their liberalbots, who don’t want to think, don’t know how to think, and want to suck at the teat of socialist, elitist government, into the trap of tyranny.

  2. The left has moved beyond parody, beyond ridicule. They have passed into the zone of the pathetically stupid. They have no functioning intelligence left whatsoever. They are effectively brain dead.

  3. BTW, I went to another article here and the banner at the top of the page under the IOTWreport logo was; I Stand With Her and it included a picture of “her” ugly mug.

    I thought this was supposed to be a conservative safe space? I don’t think my day will move forward productively now, I’ll probably spend the rest of it in bed, under the covers.

    BFH, you owe me reparations!

  4. a warning on graphic content?

    I thought the 3 or 4 msnbc viewers were only there to watch the train wreck of a station and it’s staff crash and burn because they like to see blood and carnage.

  5. Next week at the DNC Road Show, I hear that Rachael Madcow is coming out as a man…errrr, as a woman. No, make that man. Yeah, a man. No… a woman. No, as androgynous. No… wait… I’ll get back with y’all.

  6. Vietvet beat me to it. Indigestion follows seeing Rachel Madcrunt’s smirking po face. Punchable face combined with face most likely to win an ass look alike contest. That’s 50 Shades of Fugly.

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