MSNBCLOL Analyst Wants to Charge Trump in Gov. Whitmer Kidnapping Plot – IOTW Report

MSNBCLOL Analyst Wants to Charge Trump in Gov. Whitmer Kidnapping Plot

RedState: Yesterday, it was announced by the FBI that a plot to kidnap Gov. Gretchen Whitmer was stopped in Michigan. This apparently involved surveillance of her home and reaching out to a “militia” for help. The affidavit lists six men with probable cause to be charged in the matter.

Here’s some of what was reported in the original article by RedState.

The FBI says it thwarted what it described as a plot to violently overthrow the government and kidnap Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer. The alleged plot involved reaching out to members of a Michigan militia, according to a federal affidavit filed Thursday.

The court filing alleges the conspirators twice conducted surveillance at Whitmer’s personal vacation home in northern Michigan and discussed kidnapping her to a “secure location” in Wisconsin to stand “trial” for treason prior to the Nov. 3 election.

Of course, the media went nuts with this, suggesting these were Trump supporters who are just “white supremacists” following the President’s lead. In reality, these were anarchists whose motives are not at all clear aside from the fact that they are anarchists who want to overthrow the government. In fact, one of the “tyrants” mentioned as being an enemy of these people is Donald Trump himself. read more

11 Comments on MSNBCLOL Analyst Wants to Charge Trump in Gov. Whitmer Kidnapping Plot

  1. They just make it easier to convince undecided people of the proper payment due for their constant seditions, treasons and lies.
    FWIW, Manilla rope can be bought on e-Bay, Amazon, Sportsman’s Guide and boating supply companies…

  2. The left knows damn well they saw videos of the skidnappers calling Trump names and comparing him to Whitmer. Why do they even attempt the bullshit? If THEY saw them, so did everyone else!
    They’re so juvenile.

  3. Only if it DID happen. Then, protesters could immediately show up and yell, “Defund the Police!” while looting and wrecking her house (with those arrested being, immediately released without bail), just like other truly innocent tax payers have experienced.

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