MSNBC’s Maddow Argues Statements on Air Should Not Be Taken as Fact in Response to OAN Lawsuit – IOTW Report

MSNBC’s Maddow Argues Statements on Air Should Not Be Taken as Fact in Response to OAN Lawsuit

GWP: MSNBC host Rachel Maddow’s defense in court over her claim that One America News is “really, literally is paid Russian propaganda” is that statements she makes on her show should not be considered facts.

Maddow is currently being sued by the right-wing network for $10 million over the claim. read more

22 Comments on MSNBC’s Maddow Argues Statements on Air Should Not Be Taken as Fact in Response to OAN Lawsuit

  1. I was a teenager when the Jon Lovitz liar guy character was on SNL. I didn’t understand why this was funny. I didn’t understand why I was taught it took courage to speak the truth. I have been educated by the literal army of lovitz/liar lemmings that are leading the herd to the cliff. Stay out of their wsy! The Truth shall set you free!

  2. First of all to the guy on thus thread making $98 an hour, I didn’t think welfare paid that much.

    And in defense of Mr. Madcow, to prove he said something, someone would have to be watching

  3. Anonymous,

    He/she already has it both ways, she walks like a woman and talks like a man (Lola -The Kinks). He/she lives a lie every time she looks in a mirror.

    Every worthless Demonrat in this country conveniently has it both ways on every single issue. Hypocrisy and hyperbole are the twin fuels of Marxism.

    Her pig is just more equal than your pig you see. She can say and do what she wants without penalty as all truth is a fungible construct to a liberal.

    To a Marxist there is no such thing as a lie as the ends always justifies the means. Every utterance from a communist mouth is in service to the cause.

    Any human with an single once of integrity is repelled by a liberal, they get into a philosophical jam they just change the terms and move the goalposts.

    You don’t like liberal? Voila use progressive
    You can’t prove global warming? Voila climate change.
    You don’t like proper pronouns invent one.

    Satan is the master of lies and all liberals worship him. Every sulfurous comment from this he bitch is in service to Satan.

  4. “He lied and was unaware that he lied, and when it was pointed out to him he said how beautiful lies were. He was an idealist.”
    (Maugham – or close to it)
    Change “idealist” to “totalitarian ideologue” and it’s more closely correct.

    They tell lies because they’re ignorant ideologically-grounded nihilistic totalitarians – and they defend their lies because they have no other alternative. Those who put them on the air are amoral dispensers of lies for the sake of power and money. It’s no coincidence that izlam utilizes perjury in the furtherance of the power of their moon cult, just as the “left” do.

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. So, Rachel when were you telling the truth and when were you fake news? Was that you were unsure of the facts or did you know what you were telling your audience were out right lies?

    OAN wins this case they should immediately file another and another after that until they either end MSNBC or own it. Those will all be found in their favor because of the precedent set by the first lawsuit.

  6. Butch is an inveterate liar like all leftists and view their smears and other deceptions as a necessary means to an end.
    They harbor such a raw hatred for people who don’t share their views and couldn’t care less about the harm that visits those they smear.
    They are sick people and it’s no surprise they make such useful tools for those seeking to leverage power and control over others.


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