MT Dem Bullock Changes Voting Rules As He Eyes Senate Seat – IOTW Report

MT Dem Bullock Changes Voting Rules As He Eyes Senate Seat

WFB: The Trump campaign, Republican National Committee (RNC), National Republican Senatorial Committee, and Montana GOP filed a lawsuit Wednesday against Democratic governor Steve Bullock’s “unconstitutional” executive order allowing counties to vote entirely by mail.

Bullock—who is running to unseat Sen. Steve Daines (R., Mont.) in a race vital to determining the Senate majority in 2020—issued an August order that allows counties to conduct all-mail voting in the upcoming November election. Republicans are asking a federal district court to block the implementation of the order, saying that the Democratic governor overstepped his authority in “a direct usurpation of the legislature’s authority.” The suit said the order was a nakedly political move designed to boost Bullock’s candidacy.

“The Governor’s power grab under the cover of COVID-19 is particularly egregious. The Governor is running for U.S. Senate as a member of the Democratic Party, and his race is one of the most competitive in the country,” the suit says. “He is using his current position to force a brand-new election system on Montanans that, according to his own party, will sway the election in his favor.” more

9 Comments on MT Dem Bullock Changes Voting Rules As He Eyes Senate Seat

  1. Hard to remember, but Bullock ran for the Dementiacrat Party’s nomination for the opportunity to defeat President Donald J. Trump. He dropped out after failing to get more than one percent of the voters and only qualifying for one debate. He’s a very sketchy Second Amendment supporter with a great opinion of himself. He also said that he wouldn’t be running for the Senate seat that he’s running for now. He’s a moderate fraudster.

  2. To the typical democrat, long standing laws and structural rules are nothing more than nuisance’s to be overcome or simply ignored in order to achieving their goals.
    They realize their ideas are mostly unpopular and in order to force them on the public they have to do so by deception.
    Their actions always betray their low character.

  3. Montana is not as conservative as people like to think it is and never has been. What it was is it was a place where people were left alone to do their own thing and not bothered by others. ICYMI, archbishop Hunthausen came to Seattle from Great Falls MT, and U of M was full on radical left in the1960’s. That I can tell you from personal experience.

  4. Gin and JDH are absolutely correct! And gov. bollocks has done NOTHING but politics since he was in Middle School. His sole claim to perfection is being the perfect, corrupt, condescending, shameless (d).

    And his claim to be a Second Amendment defender is a terribly blatant lie. Unfortunately, some MT voters who pay no attention will believe him.

  5. And there are people who still think that universal mandates covered by a State of Emergency won’t be abused.
    I call them ostriches.
    Choosing to keep their head in the sand so they can ignore the real world happening around them; and will eventually be shot in the ass since that is the only viable target visible for miles around.


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