MTG calls for the Expulsion of Republican Congressman Mike Gallagher – IOTW Report

MTG calls for the Expulsion of Republican Congressman Mike Gallagher

And she has a good reason for it.

GOP Representative Mike Gallagher of Wisconsin will depart from Congress early, dealing another blow to Speaker Mike Johnson and his razor-thin Republican majority.

Gallagher said had he made the decision after “conversations with my family.” He added that he would be leaving Congress on April 19.

Earlier he said that he would not seek re-election.

“The Framers intended citizens to serve in Congress for a season and then return to their private lives,” Gallagher said in a statement. “Electoral politics was never supposed to be a career and, trust me, Congress is no place to grow old. And so, with a heavy heart, I have decided not to run for re-election.”

Republican Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) on Saturday called for the expulsion of Gallagher so that the people of Wisconsin can hold a special election and have representation in the House. more here

16 Comments on MTG calls for the Expulsion of Republican Congressman Mike Gallagher

  1. It’s insane, there seem to be maybe 3 hard-working Republicans in the House, despite having the (bare) majority. And a bunch vote with Dems???
    Meanwhile, EVERY SINGLE DEM VOTES AS THEY ARE TOLD, EVERY TIME. Not a one votes differently. It is absolutely incredible that half of America has elected extreme leftists. And that most of the rest are milquetoasts.

  2. I think it is time to seriously consider dumping the republican party for something new. I know I’m going to catch a bunch of flak for this, but I have never felt so betrayed. What’s that old saying? Something about doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.

  3. What has to happen with these imposters is their constituents need to sue them in civil court for breach of contract. Take everything they own. A contract does not have to be a written contract.

  4. @ @mr_pinko Sunday, 24 March 2024, 13:14 at 1:14 pm,
    Actually “After you kick Gallagher’s ass out….” He needs a date with the gibbet.

  5. Dan

    The are nmot “MILQUETOAST”! They are immoral, degnerate “Bush Republicans” doing what leftist liars do.
    likely before you were a Golden Bear a “Bush Republican” vote against Ronny not because he was gutless BUT BECAUSE HE WAS COURAGEOUS! He never won another election. But he did get his lefty reward by being an exec for 2 leftist Presidents named George! NeoCommie (Ronny’s term) Dick Cheney; lefty Liz’s dad.
    Lack of guts is not their problem, LACK OF HONOR AND DECENCY is!

  6. My fear with trying to vacate Johnson is there is a likely hood of Jefferies being elected to speaker. Bongino was talking about the potential of the POTUS election going to the house, if RFK Jr does well enough to keep either Trump or Biden of getting to 270.
    The issue isn’t Johnson. He didn’t have the support behind him. If enough GOP members would’ve stood up and said no then things would’ve been different. I think there is a party problem. Change the speaker and you still have the weak-kneed GOP behind that leader.
    We need the Tea Party back.

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