MTG: How To Stop Mass Shootings – IOTW Report

MTG: How To Stop Mass Shootings

The gun debate is over. Let’s fix the fatherless, faithless culture drugging our boys.

Human Events

By Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene:

It took a tragedy on America’s birthday, and the death of seven people, to demonstrate once and for all that gun control doesn’t work. Shooter Bobby Crimo bought the murder weapon himself, legally, in Illinois, a state with some of the strongest gun control laws in the country. Red flag laws didn’t stop him. There’s no reason to think they would work anywhere else.

What’s more, the city of Highland Park passed a total ban on assault rifles in 2013. Around the time, Mayor Nancy Rotering bragged: “Banning assault weapons … is one common-sense action to reduce gun violence and protect our children and our communities from potential mass violence and grief.”

It turned out Republicans against gun control were right all along. On July 4, Highland Park’s residents came to know the terror, carnage, and grief that come with living in a “gun-free zone,” areas better described as killing fields. No one can deny it anymore. Gun control comes with a body count. It makes everyone less safe.

Curbing Second Amendment rights won’t stop these shootings. But I know what will. As I reviewed photographs of the cross-dressing killer, who called himself “Awake the rapper,” and as I read about his life and upbringing, Highland Park took on another meaning.

As I watched those rambling, cryptic, sometimes threatening videos on YouTube, and tried to make it through Crimo’s chaotic music videos, I saw psychosis and desperation, a young man searching for meaning, alone, lost in angry fantasy.

I saw the unmistakable signs of drug abuse. Crimo was a marijuana smoker—that was obvious. You can see how, over the years, heavily smoking weed turned his skin gray and hair dull. While marijuana use can ease anxiety, PTSD, and even perform miracles for epileptics, for others it can cause psychosis.

There was more to Bobby Crimo’s decline than just dope. In addition to self-medicating, it’s a safe bet that he was on prescription drugs. Crimo was a member of an online movement called the “Sad Boys,” men who defy stereotypes and share their mental health struggles online. Most have depression. read more

21 Comments on MTG: How To Stop Mass Shootings

  1. This is the same message Larry Elder & Thomas Sowell(among others) have been preaching for many years only now she’s added in that SSRIs are wrecking havoc as well as single parent “families”.

    The combo of the feminization of our sons, so many raised in fatherless homes, with a serious lack of physical activities and these SSRIs has turned our inner cities into jungles and is cracking out these zombified young men that have lost their minds.

    There are so many raging fires in our country, I just don’t see how we are going to get through especially with the “leadership” we have piloting this Klown Kar Parade.

  2. The problem is that waaaayy too many people still think simply that ‘guns are bad.’ A young adult friend said she has never fired a gun, they are scary, and that she has no interest in ever firing one. I said ‘how about a .22?’ She has absolutely no idea how little kickback a .22 round has – yet her vote counts the same as mine. My sister noted that my dad’s old shotgun (in a case, definitely unloaded although I would always check of course) was in her bedroom when she visited. I asked if she wanted to see it. Nonono, she was physically agitated by the very thought of simply seeing it. Her vote counts the same as mine.
    Of course the Leftist leaders care about only power and money, so they keep pushing the rhetoric. But the real problem is that so many willingly believe them.
    Of course this applies to a lot of other policy issues too.

  3. I’m going to put a large portion of the blame squarely on the education system and the anti-male radical feminists that run that system which from kindergarten on places a bulls-eye on the backs of every boy.

    Boys are routinely demeaned, diminished, ridiculed, and critcized just for being boys. They are over-medicated, disciplined more often, and neglected in the classroom where the girls get the accolades and the attention. They are labeled early on as disruptive, having attention deficit, or being a problem student, and that rep will follow them from grade to grade. School is not only not fun but is a detriment to their well being so they naturally do poorly. The stigma of them being different, anti-social, and a loser turns into a self-fulfilling prophesy where they can’t make friends, think girls find them disgusting and let their hygiene go to shit. That anxiety turns to apathy which turns to rage and now they want to strike out and make someone hurt the way they are hurting.

  4. Pot,nope anything but. It will make you stupid, but make you want to do violence, no! Crack heroin, fentanyl, speed, in believeable. The rest of what she claims is pure BS. Keep your nonsense claims out of Illinois, we don’t want them.

  5. This is one of my favs, it at least makes people stop and think, if only for a moment.

    When it comes to guns, it’s all about “the children”.
    When comes to abortion, they can’t kill “the children” fast enough.

  6. Almost every teen mass school murderer was/is without a father in the home. 71% of all high school dropouts come from fatherless homes, 75% of all adolescent patients in chemical abuse centers come from fatherless homes, 85% of all youths in prison come from fatherless homes. The Democrats should be very happy with the results of their great social experiment of breaking up the nuclear family.

  7. @Cheryl then the republicans came along & said everyone gets a gun. The democrats had a little more than a little … tried to stop it this from happening but the others have won. How do you like the mass shootings & the more that will come.

  8. MTG is right on the money. Will anything be done about it? Nope. These mass shootings are too valuable to the Democrats. The love them. Encourage them.
    Meanwhile what other commonality is there? Gun free zones. Don’t go in one, unless you’re armed. And remember, anybody trying to disarm you is an enemy

  9. Manny, you ignorant slut, the Constitution says everyone gets a gun. If you look at crime statistics death by long gun is waaaaay down the list.
    There was a 14 year old stabbed to death in New York earlier this week? Were you ok with that? I mean after all, it wasn’t a gun. Stupid Libs.

  10. The ignorant slut wasn’t takin bout knives buckaroo! Right now there are more guns than there are people. Put down the bottle! People have to stop pointing fingers & come up with better answers! When you attack something someone just what the heck do you expect in return.

  11. Manny July 12, 2022 at 3:07 pm
    “then the republicans came along & said everyone gets a gun. The democrats had a little more than a little … tried to stop it this from happening but the others have won. How do you like the mass shootings & the more that will come.”

    I bet that sounded special to you when you typed it. Republicans didn’t say everybody gets a gun, you moron. The Constitution says so. GTFO of here with your lame BS.

  12. Liberals are such idiots. People like Manny want everything to be the way they fantasize it should be. They forget entirely about reality. Libs think if they can control the behavior enough, then people’s nature will change and Utopia will arrive. Nope.

  13. It’s so weird that only about .002% of all American guns killed someone last year. And probably only about .0000002% of guns owned by actual NRA members, since most of the killers are gangbangers. Well I guess we need a distinction for murder vs. self-defense.
    And of course non of those guns killed anyone without a human doing the actual work.


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