MTG, Other Republicans Confront ATF Inspectors in Georgia – IOTW Report

MTG, Other Republicans Confront ATF Inspectors in Georgia

New American: The Federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) has taken its anti “free American people” overreach to a whole new level.

According to Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.), on Monday, March 27, “The ATF showed up with 16 agents, most from out-of-state from cities like LA and San Francisco, to ‘inspect’ Adventure Outdoors in Smyrna, GA.”

Fortunately for the gun store, Representative Greene and some members of the Georgia congressional delegation intervened and confronted the IOIs on the details of their task. Greene tweeted, “I’m proud to have joined my colleagues to do our job and conduct Congressional Oversight on this highly suspect “inspection.”

“This visit was unprecedented. The sheer amount of agents from the bluest parts of the country is unusual and unnecessary to conduct a routine audit,” she continued.

Those 16 agents are what the ATF calls “Industry Operations Investigators” (IOIs) and they are deployed to “support ATF’s regulatory mission by conducting regular inspections and investigations into regulated firearms and explosives industries.” As of 2020, there were well over 800 IOIs in the United States, working in field offices spread in major cities throughout the country. MORE

9 Comments on MTG, Other Republicans Confront ATF Inspectors in Georgia

  1. If I watched 60 Minutes, which I don’t and I won’t, it would be interesting to see the whole tape verses the edited one they will put on air.

    They are Leftist propagandist who will manipulate the interview to put MTG in the worst possible light. I wish her luck but don’t enter the enemy camp unless you are well armed, literally and figuratively.

  2. Doxx those IOI thugs.
    Let us know who they are, where they live.
    I think a pissed off citizen could figure out the rest.


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