MTG slams Nikki Haley as ‘Bush in heels’ – IOTW Report

MTG slams Nikki Haley as ‘Bush in heels’

JTN: Georgia Republican Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene on Wednesday excoriated former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley after she announced her bid for the Republican presidential nomination in 2024.

Haley, who served as the U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations under former President Donald Trump, announced her candidacy at a South Carolina event earlier in the day.

Her campaign drew a negative reaction from one of Trump’s earliest endorsers for the 2024 contest.

“Nikki Haley is just another George (or Jeb!) Bush,” Greene tweeted. “If we wanted a ‘Bush in heels,’ Republicans would vote for Liz Cheney.”

The Georgia Republican pointed to a number of Haley’s positions and past statements that put her in conflict with Trump and his supporters.

“She is weak on the border, doesn’t want a wall, claimed ‘Legal Immigrants are more patriotic than most Americans these days,’ and she defended Obama when Pres. Trump criticized his terrible open-borders policy,” Greene stated. “And Nikki Haley refused to support a transgender bathroom bill to protect children.”

20 Comments on MTG slams Nikki Haley as ‘Bush in heels’

  1. What I don’t get is the people railing against her going by by Nikki instead of her first name. What an irrelevant argument – and it is her name, unlike Beto. She has plenty of actual faults.
    BTW I go by my middle name. Apparently I am afraid of the repercussions of going by Robert (which my parents never called me).

  2. If you wish to be caressed by the thieves that ruin this country and steal from your children and their children, then by all means, vote establishment Republican.

    IMO, these scumbags are damned lucky that the MAJORITY of Americans: freedom-loving, politically conservative, decent honest citizens have not reached the point that they will throw down and clean up this FUBAR shitshow deceitful mess that has piled up for decades.

  3. I used to hold my red hot rage for the day oBola may cross my path, but now I place Romney, Cheney, Ryan, et al, in the same pig sty as biden, Schumer, Pelosy, and the FBI leadership.

  4. @ Left Coast Dan FEBRUARY 16, 2023 AT 1:41 PM

    I too go by my middle name. It’s an Irish thing. Gives us a few extra extra seconds to make a clean getaway while they are figuring it out.

  5. Makes you wonder if Barbara B. was clueless as to the ‘family business’ that GHW and W were really mired in.

    “Kay, don’t ever ask me about the family bizness!”

    (Chin up Jeb!, most lg families have a Fredo.)

  6. What nickname did Trump give Jeb Bush that stuck and wouldn’t go away? I’ve been trying to remember it for days now but apparently I’ve managed to forget everything related to team Bush…


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