Mueller Delays Flynn Sentencing, yet again, Until November 28th – IOTW Report

Mueller Delays Flynn Sentencing, yet again, Until November 28th

CTH: Special counsel Robert Mueller really, really, r.e.a.l.l.y doesn’t want to sentence former National Security Advisor General Michael Flynn for lying prior to the release of the of the unredacted text messages and the IG Report on FISA abuse.

Nothing would be more devastating for Mueller’s political objectives than to sentence General Flynn – and then have the nature of an entrapment scheme exposed.  Hence yet another incredulous delay (this is the fifth delay):

15 Comments on Mueller Delays Flynn Sentencing, yet again, Until November 28th

  1. I heard Papadopoulos on Hannity yesterday. He said he was going to serve his time next month. So he’ll be out of jail before Flynn’s sentencing is postponed yet again.

    Hannity kept trying to get him to say what he lied about to get convicted, but Papadop was fending hm off, as if part of his deal with Mueller was to shut up about how stupid and trivial his “lie” was, and how crudely he was maneuvered into a guilty plea.

  2. It’s funny watching the low info mofos run around on the message boards, much like ants completely unaware of the massive boot that is about to come down on their ant hill and smash it.

    My hope is a whole slew of them go to jail and then Trump gets reelected in 2020 so they can’t get pardoned by an incoming Democrat until 2024 at the earliest.


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