Mueller doesn’t deliver everything the judge has asked for – IOTW Report

Mueller doesn’t deliver everything the judge has asked for

Notes are missing-

CTH: The curious case against former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn gets even more curious as Robert Mueller doesn’t deliver the FBI notes (FD-302) from the January 2017 interview of Flynn, as requested by Judge Emmet Sullivan, and instead submits notes from an internal July 19th, 2017, interview with FBI agent Peter Strzok. MORE

30 Comments on Mueller doesn’t deliver everything the judge has asked for

  1. better yet … time to roust Mr. Muleface out of bed at 3:00 in the morning, toss his wife out of the house onto the lawn in her jammies, confiscate every electronic device & paper file in the house, shoot his dog, kick his cat to death & send him the bill

    time to bring out the long knives …. it’s war!

  2. Joe6Pak

    “I’m losing patience with “trust the plan”! It’s time for action.”

    Rush sounded like he was encouraging an armed revolt today. I think he’s reaching the end of his rope too.

  3. An armed revolt is the last thing we need right now. That’s exactly what the left wants.What we need is PDJT declare marshal law and start arresting Barry ,Bill and Hill, LL ,Mueller ,Comey, Stroker,Rosenstien,I’m sure I’m leaving some out,but you get my drift. Hustle them off to Guantanamo for Military Tribunals and then met out justice,if you know what I mean. WWG1WGA

  4. “An armed revolt is the last thing we need right now. That’s exactly what the left wants.”
    Gotta seriously disagree. And I’ve tipped a few so please excuse my colorful language.
    First thing you need to do is identify your enemy, the left. You know, the people that want your guns. Is Trump, as smart as he is, totally on the defensive? I think he is do to un American pieces of shit like Mueller and Comey. The longer we wait, the stronger they get. I’m wondering if these cock suckers are still smug when they run into the “Silent Majority”. The silent majority has their head up their ass if they continue to be silent.
    Lastly 3% OF the original 13 Colonies population fought in the war of Independence. I can round up more than that in day or two.

  5. “I’m losing patience with “trust the plan”! It’s time for action.”

    …are you SURE, @Joe 6 pack? I mean, Sessions still has those 75,458,295,537.6 sealed indictments, right? Sessions IS still AG, right? RIGHT?!? /s

  6. @Bad_Brad December 14, 2018 at 11:25 pm

    > First thing you need to do is identify your enemy, the left.

    Gotta seriously disagree. It’s them and us. Same as it ever was. Same as it ever will be. At least as long as we keep buying them bullets and sammiches for their service — hunting us.

  7. …how about unsealing some of them, then, @B_B? Maybe just 1 or 2, you know, like an appetizer? Or are we waiting for President Hillary to quash them ar the beginning of her Reign of Terror?

    …and, I think it’s a bit late for the whole “Sessions the Silent Assassin” thing to play out now, considering he was tossed out right after the mid-terms and all…

    …or was THAT part of the plan, TOO?

    …do tell…(sigh)…

  8. …I’m not quite sure why you’re so angry there. I’m not a Q fan, and I’m simply pointing out that a sack of sealed indictments, real or not, doesn’t do anything for anybody. Somehow, no Democrat ever gets an actual, UNsealed indictment.

    …why you’re taking this personally I have NO idea, but if venting on someone who doesn’t fundamentally disagree with you about anything other than the efficacy of unused legal proceedings is somehow cathartic to you, than by all means vent on..

  9. The left is certainly AN enemy, but not the ONLY enemy. There are plenty of anti-American immigration-loving globalists on the right, and they’re possibly even more dangerous than the left. The left comes right out and tells you they’re your enemy; the right talks out of both sides of their mouths.

    The govt-growing, freedom-hating, gun-grabbing Deep State is a creature of both the D and R branches of the Incumbent Party.

  10. @Bad_Brad December 14, 2018 at 11:54 pm

    > So you don’t think the left is our enemy? Really?

    I’mma type slow… It’s them and us.

    (Hmm… I typed that real slow. But it prints the same.)

    And, no, “the Left”‘s not “them”. Not even if some of “them” are “the Left”.

  11. Yes America there is collusion with Russia… Our FBI AND DOJ ARE NOW THE KGB!!! Lies, deceit, setups, etc. What’s next, poisonings if they can’t convict? Probably is already happening.

  12. Left/Right don’t mean jack shit.
    Progressive/RINO don’t mean jack shit.
    Demonrat/Republican don’t mean jack shit.

    If one subscribes to our Constitution, one is an American.
    If one bends, twists, and/or contorts our Constitution, one is an anti-American.
    How one describes oneself is immaterial.

    Our Constitution was written for We, the People of the United States, to constrain the government, as well as to delineate our “rights” (in the Bill of Rights) as granted by God, and is understandable to most without legions of maggots pretending to be learned at “law.”

    Thus: If you “believe” in limited government constrained by our Constitution you are, indeed, an American – if not, then not. If you want the fruits and labors of your neighbors delivered to your doorstep by the armed myrmidons of the government, then you are NOT an American – but something detestable – an abomination of sub-humanity and anathematic to America.

    Pretty fukkin simple, really.

    izlamo delenda est …


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