Mueller has ‘heavy burden’ to prove Russian firm’s intent to defraud in 2016 election – IOTW Report

Mueller has ‘heavy burden’ to prove Russian firm’s intent to defraud in 2016 election

WaTimes: Special counsel Robert Mueller is churning in uncharted legal waters as he tries to nail a Russian firm for bankrolling Moscow’s deceptive social media invasion into the 2016 election.

It is not only Concord Management and Consulting LLC’s attorney saying this. Defense attorney Eric Dubelier said in court that Mr. Mueller created a “make-believe crime” and that the “real Justice Department” would never have brought such an indictment.

U.S. District Judge Dabney L. Friedrich also is expressing doubts about Mr. Mueller’s unique prosecutorial adventure, though she is not saying she will dismiss the charges, as Mr. Dubelier has requested.

A review of the transcript of an Oct. 15 hearing shows the judge’s reservations. She said of Mr. Mueller’s team, “They’ve got a heavy burden at trial to prove that knowledge.” She was referring to awareness that Concord knowingly defrauded the Federal Election Commission, the Justice Department and the State Department.

“I will give you, Mr. Dubelier, this is an unprecedented case, for sure,” the judge said.

The attorney had argued that there is no specific federal law against interfering in a U.S. election. He said there are no previous prosecutions on defrauding the FEC by using fake social media personas.  MORE HERE

10 Comments on Mueller has ‘heavy burden’ to prove Russian firm’s intent to defraud in 2016 election

  1. Robert Mueller is a first class POS! And he is for many reasons, a couple, he personally delivered a sample of uranium to help the Uranium 1 scandal more forward. Also, he allowed 4 guys to sit in jail for years after being found guilty on charges that mueller knew they were innocent of. How he got the reputation of mr clean is beyond me.

  2. Any reason why Mueller shouldn’t be indicted for his role in the FBI, Uranium One deal and as a Special Counsel?

    Other than the fact he is deeply indebted to and is part of the establishment deep state.

  3. It took me reading a number of articles before I decoded the pretzel logic of Mueller’s team, but it appears the entire mess will be dismissed.

    I liked this sentence: “….Slamming the special counsel as “revisionist,” Dubelier also wrote that “the fact that the court found it necessary, after hundreds of pages of briefing and extensive oral argument, to ask the Special Counsel what the indictment actually charged alone, supports dismissal…”

    Aha, me said! Now, I understand.

    What I wonder is: if this case is dismissed, will that nullify/dismiss all the other cases pending against Russians, as well? ….Lady in Red

  4. Bobby has been a member of the UNIPARTY for over 30 years. The judge is Orwellian speaking. “War is Peace!, Freedom is Slavery!…”

    Which Bill wrote about 500 years ago in JC. A2S3 “”friend …. I come not to…”!

    Liberals of BOTH BIG PARTIES have been united for decades, clearly still are!


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