Mueller Overlooked Mifsud’s Contacts in Western Counter-terror Circles – IOTW Report

Mueller Overlooked Mifsud’s Contacts in Western Counter-terror Circles

Epoch Times-

The final report on Russia’s interference in the 2016 election by special counsel Robert Mueller left out that Joseph Mifsud, an academic it portrayed as suspiciously connected to Russia, actually has numerous connections to former Western officials and experts on counterterrorism and intelligence.

The web of Mifsud’s connections, pieced together by The Epoch Times with the help of political analyst and counterterrorism researcher Chris Blackburn, shines new light on Mifsud’s loyalties and pursuits as well as key events of the counterintelligence operation against the Trump campaign.

It was Mifsud who allegedly told a Trump campaign aide in April 2016 that Russians had “dirt” on rival presidential candidate and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, in the form of “thousands of emails.” This information was ultimately used by the FBI to open a counterintelligence investigation that involved extensive spying on Trump campaign staff.

Taking over the probe from the FBI in 2017, Mueller concluded in March that the investigation didn’t establish that President Donald Trump or anybody from his team conspired or coordinated with Russia’s efforts to meddle in the 2016 election.

Attorney General William Barr has been reviewing the origins of the investigation and whether the spying was properly justified. Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz is expected to soon release a report delving into the Russia investigation. more here

6 Comments on Mueller Overlooked Mifsud’s Contacts in Western Counter-terror Circles

  1. ‘Overlooked’? ‘Left out’? Kind words for injustice.

    I’m really sick of these ‘revelations’. It’s almost as if there are still people who think there is not a two tier judicial system.

    Face it, no one is going to ‘lock up’ any of the political elite. NO ONE.

    Just think of the number of items reported as unethical, corrupt, criminal, ruthless, traitorous, and etc. and the bastards are still in office, running for office, or retired early, or like the demoncrat IT foreigner in the senate, who returned to his country.

    Insidious cabal of elitist government robbing the American taxpayer, snuggly continuing their blatant criminality.

  2. they live in DC to usurp all the wealth of this country and to unmercifully punish anyone who attempts to get in their way.

    Unfortunately, there is no way to stop them short of a revolution. And that revolution is not going to happen.
    So lay low and try to profit off of it in the financial markets. Because everything those crooks do shows up in the price of something.

  3. Mueller didn’t overlook anything most especially his staff or the so called report that they produced. He was a fraud from day one. If he is the patriot that everybody claims he is he would return the pay he received. I won’t hold my breathe waiting. MM above is absolutely correct little or nothing will happen to those that led this cabal against Trump. I pray that we are both wrong but again won’t hold my breathe waiting.

  4. Overlooked (an accident) does not mean “ignored” (purposefully).
    Words DO have meaning. Using them like this is called “lying”.
    The evidence on Mueller being aware that Mifsud was a Western asset is damning.


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