Mueller Prosecutor Tied To Arrest Of Proud Boys Chairman – IOTW Report

Mueller Prosecutor Tied To Arrest Of Proud Boys Chairman

MLLUSA can now confirm that the DC Police arrested Enrique Tarrio, the Chairman of the right-leaning men’s fraternal organization The Proud Boys. Tarrio, who is Afro-Cuban and the son of Cuban exiles who fled Fidel Castro’s brutal communist regime after several family members were killed, has been charged for burning a Black Lives Matter banner during free speech demonstrations that occurred in the nation’s capitol in December of 2019. Recent news reports had indicated that the DC police were investigating Tarrio for the perfectly legal free speech demonstration and were even considering elevating the charge by designating it as a hate crime.

However, they have failed to properly prosecute violent domestic terrorist activity that has been allowed to run rampant in the past six months from Antifa and Black Lives Matter. Just last month during the same demonstration, Antifa and BLM stabbed four members of the Proud Boys and engaged in widespread destruction and violence across DC. Personally, this journalist has seen their depravity upfront, which has regularly included burning the American flag, but DC police and the woke media have stood by in those cases and facilitated an atmosphere where the insurrectionist actions are not only tolerated… they are actively encouraged by elected Democrats. more

10 Comments on Mueller Prosecutor Tied To Arrest Of Proud Boys Chairman

  1. I read they were also charging him in being in possession of two pistol mags. He was leaving a damn airport that he just disembarked at. These people are making the Nazis look like amateurs.

  2. Republican Senate has oversight of the whole shootin match.

    Have not done a damn thing. Except help the democrats lock us in our homes and steal an election from trump. Oh, they also had an investigation of Trump for two years on bogus charges made up by hillary clinton, but they also held no hearings on biden and his kids corruption.

    I’m just going to keep on plugging away until republicans get over the delusion that their party is going to save them from jack shit, and finally realize that the gov’t is the problem and it’s sole endeavor is to transfer all of the country’s wealth from us to them.

  3. The regular republican party is a collection of terrified little children who are busy wetting their underwear. Without President Trump they are absolutely useless.

  4. “I read they were also charging him in being in possession of two pistol mags. ”

    I understand they were illegal high capacity magazines. You shouldn’t have illegal firearms stuff if you don’t intend to use it, you’ll just get your ass in trouble with it.

  5. “Dude, he just got off a fucking airplane.”

    So you’re suggesting he intended to use them but got stopped by the police before he could?

    That’s what it sounds like you mean to me. Otherwise he just got himself in trouble for something that had no purpose except to get him in trouble.

  6. OR, he didn’t have any and the Libtard DA framed his ass. Why would you have the mags but not the gun? You won’t get either past TSA. Mags are fairly inert with out a bullet launcher.


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