Mueller report redactions on Roger Stone may be lifted next week – IOTW Report

Mueller report redactions on Roger Stone may be lifted next week

Wash Examiner: The Justice Department announced on Friday that redactions in special counsel Robert Mueller’s report related to longtime Trump associate Roger Stone may be lifted by next week now that his criminal case has concluded.

The Electronic Privacy Information Center and BuzzFeed’s Jason Leopold filed Freedom of Information Act lawsuits for the full, unredacted Mueller report last spring in a case assigned to U.S. District Court Judge Reggie Walton. Last month, EPIC and BuzzFeed argued that some of the justifications for the redactions in Mueller’s report no longer applied after Stone was convicted and sentenced. In a two-page notice signed by DOJ trial attorney Courtney Enlow, the DOJ suggested on Friday that it might agree and that it would be reassessing the many Stone-related redactions quickly.

It is likely that some of the redactions relate to Stone’s conversations with President Trump or with members of his team.

“Following the sentencing of Mr. Stone and the lifting of the media communications order … the Department of Justice’s Office of Information Policy concluded that reprocessing the Mueller Report is appropriate,” the DOJ said. “The Office of Information Policy is in the process of reevaluating whether the redactions … for material related to Mr. Stone in the Mueller Report remain applicable. The Office of Information Policy anticipates that its review will be completed and, if appropriate, an updated version of the Mueller Report will be posted in OIP’s online FOIA Library no later than Friday, June 19, 2020.” read more

6 Comments on Mueller report redactions on Roger Stone may be lifted next week

  1. I imagine that, as usual, the redactions were made for the usual reasons: gotta protect our sources and methods. And also as usual, the source was “we pull all of it out our asses” and the method was “we make shit up as we go along”.

  2. Buzzfeed and the rest of the leftist media has been searching for 4 years and hoping to find that elusive smoking gun that will bring President Trump down. Keep digging, assholes.


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