Multiple Michigan residents swear they witnessed widespread voter fraud in Detroit – IOTW Report

Multiple Michigan residents swear they witnessed widespread voter fraud in Detroit

Just The News-

The media mantra that there is no evidence of voter fraud in the Nov. 3 election for the first time faces a real challenge. Several Michigan residents — ranging from a city worker to a former state assistant attorney general — swear under penalty of perjury they witnessed significant and widespread election tampering in the city of Detroit.

And by significant, they insist thousands of ballots were involved.

Take, for instance, longtime city of Detroit employee Jessy Jacob, who provided among the most startling accounts.

Jacob stated in an affidavit she personally witnessed — and in some cases was instructed — to backdate thousands of absentee ballots the day after the election to make them appear legal even though they were not in the Qualified Vote File and had not arrived by the deadline.

“On November 4, 2020, I was instructed to improperly pre-date the absentee ballots receive date that were not in the QVF as if they had been received on or before November 3, 2020,” she testified. “I was told to alter the information in the QVF to falsely show that the absentee ballots had been received in time to be valid. I estimate that this was done to thousands of ballots.” read more

8 Comments on Multiple Michigan residents swear they witnessed widespread voter fraud in Detroit

  1. Someone please, don’t call them, drive to the DHS/CISA office, slap them around to wake them up if necessary.

    Make them admit their position “this was the most secure election in US history” is not based on kind of competent investigation. And demand to see their investigation report into multiple statements by witnesses saying they saw many acts of voter fraud.

  2. Blink, either the deep state gaslight is a blowtorch right now, or there’s some serious misdirection going on with that “most secure election” boilerplate. Trump must be homing in on something big.


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