Mumps Outbreak Continues to Spread in Arkansas – IOTW Report

Mumps Outbreak Continues to Spread in Arkansas


The Arkansas Department of Health is fighting the biggest mumps outbreak in the state in decades.

There are 500-cases of the mumps virus involving mostly children and more than 30 school districts in Northwest Arkansas with state health officials mandating that students who have a measles, mumps and rubella vaccine exemption, that they stay home.

The mumps virus, which is known for causing swollen glands in the face and neck and in rare cases severe complications:

(Mirivel) “We believe this one started with travel between Arkansas and Iowa and we’ve seen an outbreak start in Oklahoma.”

State health spokeswoman Meg Mirivel says the MMR vaccine is the most effective way to prevent a mumps infection, along with not sharing saliva or close contact with someone who has the mumps.

Jeff Monosso, FOX News.

8 Comments on Mumps Outbreak Continues to Spread in Arkansas

  1. Four options occur to me:

    Possibility 1 – 500+ unvaccinated students. Maybe.

    Possibility 2 – It’s not mumps, it some nasty Third World plague that came in from Syria or North Africa, and they won’t admit to it. I’d call it Obamapox.

    Possibility 3 – The vaccines are defective. This is not at all hard to believe.

    Possibility 4 – It’s a new strain of mumps the standard vaccine does not protect against.

    I’d bet it’s #3 if I had to pick one.

  2. Wait,not sharing saliva? How old are these children? The poster implies 3rd or 4th graders how much swapping of bodily fluids are being exchanged? Wait I don’t want to know. Let me hold onto some shred of my innocence. Tattered as it is.

  3. I suspect importation from third world immigrants foisted on innocent children by the OBOBO adminstration, and to be further enhanced by Ma CanklesButt. The Progresssive love this shit. Ask Fauxcohonatas Warren.

  4. No doctor here but.
    Most people 40+ years old had Mumps when they were children. I can read about when I had it in the journal my mom kept.

    Vaccines are effective but usually are not life long.

    So we have a larger population that do not have life time immunity, we have anti vaxers, we have younger people working in schools who’s vaccine is no longer effective and we have unvaccinated immigrant families with children in school.

    Get a few cases going and watch it spread.

    If you have been vaccinated ask a doctor if you should have a booster shot.

  5. We had one Syrian “refugee” but got rid of him. There are a lot of illegals who work in the chicken plants and hog farms.

    Arkansas has taken in 111 refugees since 2005, according to data from the Refugee Processing Center.

    Little Rock has taken in 29 refugees, the most of any city in the state, mostly from Iraq. Clarksville took in 23 refugees from Burma.

    Springdale took in 13 refugees, including the state’s single Syrian refugee, a journalist who was critical of President Bashar Assad. He no longer lives in the state.

  6. regardless,

    when the japanese put the actual statistics their population, they decided to make the vaccine illegal.

    In the US, we don’t get to see the actual stats, or the underlying data that they were drawn from. We just get ‘scientists’ telling us that they know best and here’s what we ‘must’ do.

    If it sounds similar to global warming, that’s because it is.

    I would bet you money that if a judge would demand that the actual stats on underlying data be produced for the public, it would either ‘mysteriously’ disappear and be lost, or it would be found to have all kinds of ‘adjustments’ to it.

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