Murderer of Sacramento County Sheriff benefited from California’s AB 109 [Early Release] – IOTW Report

Murderer of Sacramento County Sheriff benefited from California’s AB 109 [Early Release]

KFI: Last week Sacramento County Sheriff’s deputy Robert French, a 21-year veteran of the department, was brutally murdered by felon who was free to roam the streets thanks to AB 109.

Deputy Robert French – Sacramento County Sheriff’s Department

On Wednesday, auto theft task force investigators from the CHP and the Sacramento Sheriff’s department were following up on reports of a stolen BMW. They located the car at a hotel and saw two women drive off.

They identified the driver as as Priscilla Prendez, who was booked on auto theft and felony evading charges. When they returned to the hotel, they found 32-year-old Daniel Littlecloud waiting for them. He opened fire and struck Deputy French.

Littlecloud drove off, but eventually crashed and died from his wounds from the shootout. If it weren’t for AB 109, Littlecloud would still be in prison and Deputy French would still be alive.  MORE

12 Comments on Murderer of Sacramento County Sheriff benefited from California’s AB 109 [Early Release]

  1. Everyone involved with passing or supporting AB-109 needs to be hunted down and executed in Officer French’s honor.

    I’m surprised I haven’t heard the political fervor of “assault weapons” spewing from the mouths of the legislative quislings in Sacra-mental.


    Got it, Gavin Nuisance? Got it, Kevin DuhLeon? Got it, Steinbarf?

  2. He’s just considered collateral damage, sacrificed for the big picture of a world without borders. The perp wouldn’t be a murdering criminal if this country wasn’t so bigoted.

  3. The victims of AB-109 are legion. We survived our encounter with another early release felon, but too many people don’t. RIP Officer French.

    We left. If you can’t leave, carry.

  4. WHY YOU SHOULDN’T CARE (too much)

    1. Police too often side with the government rather than gun owners.
    So they release these people out on the street, and the unarmed public is routinely a victim of them.

    2. Police being killed makes ACTION happen. If a non-government person was murdered, the government yawns. Maybe his death will actually cause something to get done to reverse this.

    3. It’s open-borders California. You should just be shocked when these things DON’T happen. Maybe the rest of the country will reject liberalism if they see California being mis-managed like France.

    4. It’s the police officer’s job. I find it quite suicidally ridiculous why a person would be drawn to such a god-awful job such as law enforcement. Military people die all the time, and we bow our heads as it being an occupational hazard, but when an officer dies, we erect a monument the next day.

  5. A world with out cops? hahahah

    Wait a minute. Maybe he’s on to something.

    Imagine a world where neo-commies, SJWs and all other Hate America© orgs aren’t protected by the police any more?

    IOW open season.

    Might be more peaceful once the public can really fight back. I mean, how much complaining and crime do dead criminals and other miscreants make?

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