Musk: Allen, TX Mass Shooting, Hispanic Nazi a ‘Very Bad Psyop’ – IOTW Report

Musk: Allen, TX Mass Shooting, Hispanic Nazi a ‘Very Bad Psyop’

National File: Corporate media is attempting to paint a Hispanic mass shooter as a ‘neo-Nazi’ and a ‘white supremacist’.

Elon Musk dubbed the Allen, Texas mass shooting committed by a Hispanic man who the corporate media insists was a white supremacist and a neo-Nazi to be “a very bad psyop” (short for Psychological Operation) in a post he made to Twitter that also called out the globalist “investigative journalism” and “fact-checking” outfit, Bellingcat.

Musk made the comment in a tweet responding to The Redheaded libertarian account, which has made several viral posts that question the validity of claims that the mass shooter who killed 8 people at an Allen, Texas outlet mall was a “white supremacist” and a “neo-Nazi” despite being a Hispanic of Mexican descent.

Among other publications, many of the “neo-Nazi” claims have been made or parrotted by Bellingcat, a globalist publication based in Europe.

Bellingcat recently cited and expanded on a New York Times report that claims to have identified a pro-Nazi profile belonging to the shooter, 33-year-old Mauricio Garcia, on the Russian-language social media site Odnoklassniki, also known as OK. This is despite the fact that Garcia is not known to have spoken Russian.

Making the situation even stranger is that reports have claimed that Garcia was radicalized into neo-Nazism by a Jewish woman and a Korean man. MORE

13 Comments on Musk: Allen, TX Mass Shooting, Hispanic Nazi a ‘Very Bad Psyop’

  1. The shooter’s “diary” posts state he was influenced by Tim Pool and Libs of Tik Tok. How convenient!

    Of course, the disciples of Woke are jumping on this to confirm that Pool and LOTT are, indeed, “nazis.” Nothing sketchy here.

  2. “Hispanic” is not a racial designation. It is a linguistic, cultural and national origin designation.

    Many Hispanics, regardless of racial and ethnic background, identify as White, or mostly White. In Ecuador, there is a phenomenon called the mestizaje, in which full-blooded Indigenous people become Mestizo (White-indigenous mix). Mestizo culture emphasizes its European ancestry, ignoring its Indigenous, and often African, Mulato (African-White mix) or Zambo (African-Indigenous mix) roots, unless claiming some sort of nobility.

    Afro-Ecuadorians, Zambos and Mulatos with prominent African physical characteristics, as well as the indigenous who have not undertaken the mestizaje, are discriminated against.

    In Latin American countries, racism and ethnocentrism is very strong and very open, the Castros and Che being excellent examples.

    My Ecuadorian wife would say, “As they see you, they treat you.” It was mostly in reference to clothing and grooming, but it also refers to physical characteristics. Women with frizzy hair often spend hours painstakingly flattening it.

    The other characteristic of Latin American culture is the cult of the strong man. Parents will name their children Lenin, Stalin, Hitler, etc. Islam is growing there because it is identified as being dominant.

    Given all that, I am not at all surprised to see someone of Mexican descent identifying as a Nazi and White Supremacist.

  3. @ACParker, Most Mexicans are Mestizo; therefore not white. Trying to pawn one off as white just to promote more anti-white racism in this country is a shit thing to do. And if one is white and doing it to promote anti-white racism, then one is so goddamn fucktarded that one should be euthanized out of our misery.

  4. Whether a “Hispanic” is white or not depends on what he did. If he commits a mass shooting or kills a black person, he is a racist white. If he is an illegal alien he a a minority and a victim of white racism.

    I don’t think La Raza includes white people.


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