Musk Calls Term ‘Cisgender’ a ‘Slur’ – IOTW Report

Musk Calls Term ‘Cisgender’ a ‘Slur’


Elon Musk took to Twitter Thursday to express his opposition to “gender transition” for minors, adding that he considers the term “cisgender” to be a “slur.”

Citing a Swedish study observing “gender affirming care,” which showed that cosmetic “transition” does not reduce propensity to suicide, Musk claimed his position on the controversial procedure on minors is that “we should wait until an individual is mature enough to make their own decisions before other adults make permanent, serious physical changes to them.”

“The Swedish study says ‘sex-reassigned transsexual persons of both genders had approximately a three times higher risk of all-cause mortality than controls’,” Musk wrote in a post. ” … doing surgery or chemical sterilization on minors gains nothing in reduced mortality.”

“My position is simply that we should wait until an individual is mature enough to make their own decisions before other adults make permanent, serious physical changes to them.”

He then addressed the argument among trans activists that if a child is not “affirmed” in their transgender claim, that they will kill themselves. He pointed out that the data in the study does not bear that out.

“The counter to my position would be that if we don’t make the changes when they’re a minor, they may never reach adulthood due to suicide. However, that counterargument does not hold water if mortality is essentially unchanged, which it is,” Musk wrote. MORE

11 Comments on Musk Calls Term ‘Cisgender’ a ‘Slur’

  1. Convincing the little minds of mush (As El Rushbo said) is nothing less than another attempt at population reduction and control.

    Less kids will be born, as dismembering innocent children will prevent any of them from having kids of their own.

    Those that accept the mindcontrol will be too focused on their miserable lives to pay any attention to what tge One World Government is doing.

    Just plain horrible what they are trying to accomplish.

  2. His commentary like this & community notes makes his purchase of twitter such a big deal.
    It is amazing to me that the FBI had infiltrated twitter & facebook and was actually paying them to suppress ideas that didn’t fit the initial narrative.
    Should be the crime of the century, but just shrugged off by the msm.

    Buying twitter may do more for the country’s survival than SpaceX ever could.

  3. Every bit of the “trans” lgbt+ language is an insult. there are no such thing as trans anything only people with mental problems. Gender is the sex of words. The more we let them control the language the longer we will have the problem.

  4. Most tragically, puberty blockers impede the Norma growth of the genitals, leaving the adult with insufficient tissue for the mutilators to fashion into the genitalia of the opposite sex. There has been stories recently about a Finnish boy I think who died from complications that resulted from them needing to use part of his colon(????) to fashion a vagina because his penis was so small thanks to puberty blockers. So not only are these parents and criminal doctors destroying reproductive potential, but are making the supposed “transition” surgery (aka mutilation) impossible or problematic and even deadly. Suicide likely will be the result anyway, but executing the parents and doctors would be far better.

  5. The term is an attempt to reduce the status of the 96% of normal people to one equal to the 4% with defective sexual wiring, mental illness or a reprobate mind. We don’t call queers queers because they’re normal. There are only two kinds of people involved here, normal people and queers of every stripe. Calling us cisgender is labeling and othering the normal down to the state of the defectives.
    But, have at it. Without us you would not exist yet without you we would get along better than we are at this time. So feel free to label us, you’re our deviants after all.


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