Musk: “I am against forcing people to be vaccinated. You know I think this is just not something we should do in America.” – IOTW Report

Musk: “I am against forcing people to be vaccinated. You know I think this is just not something we should do in America.”


When TIME magazine announced Elon Musk as their Person of the Year, they introduced him by explaining all of the curious things he has done as a billionaire to captivate attention.
But in doing all the crazy things Elon Musk does, it leaves some mystery about how Musk feels about current affairs. How does the current richest man in the world feel about issues like vaccine mandates?
In Elon’s interview with the outlet, he made his personal leanings clear. more

7 Comments on Musk: “I am against forcing people to be vaccinated. You know I think this is just not something we should do in America.”

  1. “The science is unequivocal…”? He’s not paying attention.
    It’s not enough he doesn’t believe in forcing it, him promoting it is “unequivocal” proof he is clueless.
    It’s the most dangerous, least effective shot to pass as a vaccine we’ve ever produced.
    Which will kill millions by the time Trump runs in 2024, at which point they will hang “Operation Warp Speed” around his neck.

  2. Make your own choices, but Today I got a message at 5pm that my friend (54) was just taken off Oxygen, put into an induced comma & put on a ventilator after 3 plus weeks of Up & Down Covid issues in the Hospital.

    He was unvaxed.
    Not in Good or Bad health. (somewhere in between as per his family)
    Hesitated because he apparently did have a tendency to develop blood clots, I really do not know his true health before this.

    It does not look good for Ralph V. His unvaxed wife was only in Hospital for 4 Days but she recovered well.

    I hope he gets better.


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