Musk mocks DOJ for covering for Epstein, Maxwell clients – IOTW Report

Musk mocks DOJ for covering for Epstein, Maxwell clients

PM: Tesla Motors CEO Elon Musk is criticizing the Department of Justice for the lack of accountability applied to clients of child-sex traffickers Jeffery Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell.

In a post to Twitter, Musk said there are four things he won’t see in his lifetime: a fire-breathing dragon, a T-Rex, a unicorn, and the Epstein/Maxwell client list. “The only thing more remarkable than DOJ not leaking the list is that no one in the media cares. Doesn’t that seem odd?” Musk wrote. more

14 Comments on Musk mocks DOJ for covering for Epstein, Maxwell clients

  1. WHERE’S the LIST of the powerful and elite who shopped in Epstein’s market of flesh and perversions.

    Major business owners, politicians, the Big Print and Network news media and Hollywood celebrities. How about elected officials from other countries and the EU, and UN?

    When will investigative reporters working in major newspapers and Major networks do their Job, the Government won’t.

  2. Newspapers and networks are excellent paid propaganda machines for the establishment elite. Suppression of the press by Government or Judicial diktat is an infraction of the Constitution… Try something NEW; TRUTH !

  3. God bless this man. He’s got a big platform and he’s using it for good — in this case. I got no argument with his taking this up. It’s hard to ignore Elon Musk.

  4. DoJ has a long rep of hiding others such as illegal drug smugglers, gun traffickers, forced prostitution, illegal organ harvesting, and slave labor-for-profit. It’s also reported that many among the DoJ are in league with these traffickers for the purposes of profiteering and kickbacks (think democrat-rino party and collaborators).

  5. Musk is in that rarified class right up there beside PDJT. I bow to his greatness. Long may he tweet.

  6. @President Elect Toxic Deplorable, and so on:

    I’m thinking he has had a spiritual awakening via the guys at The Bee and is feeling the weight of a Godly conscience and his responsibility for the gifts he has received.

    “To whom much is given, much is required.” Luke 12:48

    Each of us — whether we feel we have “much” or not — is included in the parable of the Talents.

  7. The Department of Justice (Orwell would be proud of that name) is a tool of oppression. Seems they can never uncover any criminalities against America, or American citizens, only those attacking America’s Deep State elites and those who would try to speak some truth.

    They are unable to find election fraud, for instance – which is the equivalence of a man sitting in a septic tank unable to find a turd – or graft and corruption in the White House, Senate, House, or SCROTUS – which should only require a calculator and pay scales.

    They exist to PROTECT the structure of lies, corruption, deceit, fraud, and treason.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  8. Lead the way? Yeah right to the shit pile. Twitter says they want the 1 billion the loud mouth owes for defaulting on buyout! He should pay Amber Heards fine too, since the loud mouth was dating her while she was still married to Depp. Another job description added to exposing himself list, home wrecker.


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