Muslim cop who shot unarmed woman says he was “startled” by loud noise, but no nearby residents heard it – IOTW Report

Muslim cop who shot unarmed woman says he was “startled” by loud noise, but no nearby residents heard it

Jihad Watch:

Mohamed Noor was on the force because he was a Somali Muslim. He was in way over his head. The story he has concocted to explain his killing of Justine Damond is already unraveling.

“Family of US cop Mohamed Noor say officer mistakenly shot Justine Damond,” by Sarah Blake, Daily Telegraph, July 20, 2017 (thanks to the Geller Report):

Minneapolis police officer Mohamed Noor who fatally shot Ms Damond, 40, will be compelled to give a statement to his department as part of an internal investigation.

Officer Noor hasn’t spoken with state investigators and doesn’t have to.

Howevever, the police department’s internal affairs unit can compel him to give a statement as part of its own investigation, and fire him if he refuses, said Minneapolis defense lawyer Joe Friedberg, who isn’t involved in the case.

That statement cannot be used against him in any criminal investigation.

Mr Noor hasn’t provided his explanation for what happened on Saturday when he fired a shot from the passenger seat of a squad car, past his partner in the driver’s seat and killed Ms Damond who was standing outside the vehicle.

According to the state Bureau of Criminal Apprehension, his partner, Officer Matthew Harrity, told investigators he was driving in the alley with all of the vehicle’s lights off when he was startled by a loud noise….


40 Comments on Muslim cop who shot unarmed woman says he was “startled” by loud noise, but no nearby residents heard it

  1. There’s two minutes of testimony missing and the Muzzie mother Fxcker lawyered up. He will no longer cooperate with the investigation. His partner is still stunned. No shit. He probably couldn’t hear shit after that Muzzies gun was discharged inside the car. A white woman in Pajamas stirred this Muzzies microscopic loins and he couldn’t deal. So he killed her. Does anybody in that state have any balls? Just wondering.

  2. Trying to assimilate these primitave savages into a modern western culture is just idiotic. They squat up on kitchen sinks to deficate and cook their food with dried dung. So some jackass desides to give one a badge and gun. Why not give your teenage boy a bottle of wood alcohol and the carkeys?

  3. If that’s the Standard for Muslim Cops, They Need to Fence in their Communities. They can Police or whatever the Hell They call it in their own Enclosures ! Poison Tipped Arrows and one Large Pile Of Rocks per Family, Should take care of the Problem !

  4. On a positive note, his initial (only) explanation of being “startled” by a make believe noise, has hung him.

    In real life, in a court room, when/if an attorney had the chance
    to get him on the stand he would shred him.

    The standard for using deadly force is profoundly higher than just being “startled”. Its a long way from startled to articulating a REASONABLE belief that you are about to be killed and had NO OTHER choice but to shoot. Ahooting being the LAST option available. It will be impossible for this animal to fabricate any details to justify what he did based on what tiny bit we already know.

    The savage will get off very easy Im sad to say. He will not get off completely but it will be a joke. Unless Trump sends in the DOJ. The rat mayor and imbecile, incompetent, overwhelemed, window dressing, police chief are very reluctantly and just barely acknowledgeing the 180000 lb elephant in tbe room is real.

  5. Drug test the f–ker…

    “The use of khat is accepted within Somali, Ethiopian, and Yemeni cultures; in the United States, khat use is most prevalent among immigrants from those countries. Abuse levels are highest in cities with sizable immigrant populations from Somalia, Ethiopia, and Yemen, such as Boston, Columbus, Dallas, Detroit, Kansas City, Los Angeles, Minneapolis, Nashville, New York City, and Washington, D.C.”

  6. “Khat abuse causes psychological dependence, and chronic abuse can lead to behavioral changes and mental health impairment. Clinical symptoms include manic behavior with grandiose delusions, violence, suicidal depression, and schizophreniform psychosis characterized by paranoid delusions. Chronic abuse can also produce physical exhaustion, anorexia, periodontal disease, and gastrointestinal illness.”

    “manic behavior with grandiose delusions”,…hmmm.

  7. “…his partner, Officer Matthew Harrity, told investigators he was driving in the alley with all of the vehicle’s lights off when he was startled by a loud noise….”

    WTF??? It Harrity being pressured by higher-ups to go along with Noor’s goddam hallucination?? Sure looks like it.

  8. Billy Fuster, the cop is toast if he doesn’t go along with the concocted narrative. The question is whether the cop is a prog who was eager to partner with a psycho, or a poor schlub who was forced to partner with a psycho. Whichever it is, that cop likely dodged a bullet. Noor would have shot him eventually, as sure as the sun rises.

  9. He will never have to defend himself in court. The city/department will settle for whatever it takes to make the case go away so it does not have to defend ITSELF in court.

  10. I STILL say she (a Yoga instructor) said something that identified her as a pagan (a non-dhimmi; that is, neither a Christian nor a Jew nor a Hindu), and Moor offered her the sharia-demanded choice to convert to Islam (or die). She refused to accept Islam, and Moor therefore enforced sharia law and killed her.

    This is a warning to all you idiots with the Coexist bumper stickers, if you’re not a Christian, a Jew, or a Hindu, you won’t get dhimmi “protection.” Under sharia, you must either convert to Islam or die. That goes for all you atheists, agnostics, Buddhists, wiccans, Gia-worshippers, Wotanists, Unitarians, etc. ad nausium

  11. Lucifer told us how it all went down.

    Apparently the two cops had eaten at Taco Bell earlier in the evening and Cop #1 let loose a gigantic, startlingly loud fart, filling the squad car with a noxious odor and hazy cloud.

    Moslem Cop told Cop #1 to roll the window down. Not finding any relief, Moslem Cop fired his gun at Cop #1’s head, missing him completely, and hitting an innocent woman approaching the vehicle.

    Now you know the rest of the story. — Paul Harvey 👿

  12. If a loud noise startled him and free his weapon and shot he is quick draw mcgraw. One of the hardest draw is from a seated position in a car. I am wondering if his gun was drawn already. That seems like a bad idea, but maybe it is something that is common. Perhaps that is why partner is lieing.

  13. “…his partner, Officer Matthew Harrity, told investigators he was driving in the alley with all of the vehicle’s lights off when he was startled by a loud noise….”
    Well in the absence of any other sounds heard by bystanders that loud noise might have been the sound of a gun being fired across his position from the passenger’s seat where Mohamed Noor was seated. And that would startle anyone as well as deafening them.

    As TNRWC says, its hard to draw from a hip holster from the passenger seat unless you rotate your body left in the seat to give your elbow space to draw.

    The fear of police of being ambushed in a dark alley after a fake callout might have prompted passenger Noor to have his pistol already drawn with his finger on the trigger and covering the driver’s window as Ms Damond approached that window. A little pressure on the trigger and we have the tragedy we have.

    We may never know exactly what really happened, with the police apparently in CYA mode.

  14. JIHAD. Period. The shitstains that gave him a badge and a gun are just as bad as he is.

    And the partner? Too “stunned” to eliminate the threat? What a fucking bag of goo in a cops uniform. Worthless as tits on a boar. What’s his malfunction, just your basic COWARD?

  15. Even though most of the people in Minneapolis are liberal/lefties I’ll bet the conversations (in hushed tones) are about 1) Affirmative action hires and 2) Muslims on the police force. I’ll double down on the bet and say that most of these conversations are not politically correct. I wonder how this will play out in the next election if a real conservative decides to run for mayor and more of them run for city council especially if the worst the cop gets is fired.

  16. In my relatively small town, to even get an interview for a job as a police officer, you better have at least a bachelor degree in criminology or a related field. Isn’t it wonderful in prog land that these rules can be set aside to give these recent arrivals a chance at the American dream?

  17. Mike Brown made a good point. President Trump should have the DOJ send in a whole team of invesigators and prosecutors to see if the female victim’s civil rights were violated.

    Fight fire with fire. During Obama and Holder’s reign of terror, those two routinely used the DOJ for kangaroo court investigations of “civil rights violations”.

  18. Yes, send in the DoJ. Unleash Federal Lawfare on the Mayor, the Chiel, all involved. Cost the city (and its insurers) Mega-bucks$$$$. And a huge punitive settlement.

    Send the message to all mayors and police forces. No more unqualified hires. And it should be impossible for any city with Muslim officers to obtain insurance coverage…at any price. Scare the insurers away and City policy will follow, by necessity.

  19. My guess is that 26 yr old Officer Harrity will retire with a full medical pension for PERMANENT LOSS OF HEARING FROM HAVING A FUCKING GUN FIRED RIGHT IN FRONT OF HIS FACE IN A CONFINED SPACE.

    Noor needs to be fired and his gun taken away, regardless of the outcome of this investigation.

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