Muslim Festival Floods Bangladeshi Capital With Blood – IOTW Report

Muslim Festival Floods Bangladeshi Capital With Blood

MRC: Sacrifices offered during the Islamic festival of Eid al-Adha have actually caused the streets in one city to run red with the blood of thousands of slaughtered animals.

The Guardian reported heavy rain and poor drainage systems combined with the torrent of blood from cows, sheep and goats to flood the streets of the Bangladeshi capital of Dhaka with bright red rivers.  MORE

18 Comments on Muslim Festival Floods Bangladeshi Capital With Blood

  1. You are correct, Thirdtwin. It is more likely that the bloodletting is a localized reaction to the oppression of colonialism or something.

    And Hillary needs help from cl– supporters like you and this critical car– critical moment in the campaign. Please toot your horn for her.

  2. The EU should keep a mental picture of blood filling the streets, as well as, Christians, Jews, gays and other infidels hanging from meat hooks.
    “Power Through” the new islamic diversity and embrace this invasion and cultural annihilation.

  3. well, the difference is, israelites are descended from isaac, and all the other semitic tribes are descended from ishmael…

    and YES, there are lots of other SEMITIC people besides the joooz…..

    muslims did not appear on the face of the earth until the time of mohammed…..several centuries after Christ, and probably a millenium-plus after abraham…..

    so it does kinda make a difference whether abraham was willing to sacrifice isaac, or ishmael……

    but seriously, even the irish have not managed to hold a grudge as long as these sons of ishmael…….but at least the irish mostly hold themselves together as one clan, whereas these sons of ishmael can’t even accept palestinians – who would seem to be their pet minority – as equals……that’s why we still have palestinians in camps in arabic and muslim countries…

    they’re way to valuable as an “oppressed minority” than they could ever be as citizens………

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